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Subject: New issue: BJM30018 scope unclear
- From: Simon Holdsworth <>
- To:
- Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 12:58:42 +0100
TARGET: SCA JMS Binding Specification cd04
TITLE: BJM30018 scope is unclear
BJM30018 states:
When the connectionFactory element is present, then
the destination MUST be defined either by the destination element or the
@uri attribute
The connectionFactory element could be present directly
under the <binding.jms> element, or as a child of the <response>
element. The existing statement applies when the connectionFactory
element is a child of the <binding.jms> element, in which case the
@uri makes sense as a place to define the destination. However if
the connectionFactory is a child of the response element, then there are
two ways that the response destination can be specified - via the JMSReplyTo
header in the request message or via a destination element as a child of
the response element.
BJM60007 and BJM60008 already cover the behaviour
for responses, so I think that we just need to make BJM30018 specific to
the children of <binding.jms> as follows:
When the connectionFactory element is present as a
child of the binding.jms element the destination MUST be defined either
by a destination element child of the binding.jms element or by the @uri
attribute of the binding.jms element [BJM30018]
Simon Holdsworth
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