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Subject: Raw Chat Log for SCA Bindings TC Teleconf 13 Jan 2011
Agenda: 1: Administrivia Roll Call Agenda bashing 2. Approval of the minutes from 2 December: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bindings/download.php/40480/SCA%20Bindings%20minutes%202010-12-02.doc 3. Actions None 4. New Issues No new issues 5. CD/PR status JMS Binding Test assertions/test cases PR complete, no comments received. JMS Binding spec 15-day PR still pending, awaiting response from TC admin. 6. TC Status, future plans The TC has come to a key point in its lifecycle. The Web Services and JMS binding specifications and test suites are complete as far as the TC is concerned and close to become Committee Specifications, along with specifications from other OASIS SCA TCs. We have no open issues or action items. The JMS binding is however not currently able to complete the standardisation process as this requires two conforming implementations and currently there is only one known implementation, in Tuscany. So far no TC member has identified and existing implementation or committed to produce an implementation, so for the moment the JMS binding work is stalled. There are two potential additional bindings which the TC has agreed in principle are in its scope of work: JCA and HTTP. The JCA binding has completed public review, however has stalled because there is currently no known implementation of the JCA binding against which the test suite could be written and executed. There is a possibility of an implementation in Tuscany, however without a second implementation this would not ensure that the standardisation work could complete. The HTTP binding has an initial working draft and a documented set of use cases (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bindings/201009/msg00030.html) but has not received any further attention from the TC. As part of this we would need to complete the specification work and identify two conformant implementations. In order to progress any further in this TC, the following work items need to be completed: o Identify second JMS binding implementation o Identify potential JCA binding implementations (may be possible to include one in Tuscany) o Author JCA binding test suite o Identify potential HTTP binding implementations (possibly Tuscany HTTP binding could be adapted to conform) o Author HTTP binding specification based on existing draft and use cases o Author HTTP binding test suite In the absence of volunteers for these work items, there is no remaining current work for the TC. This means calls will be scheduled as requested by TC members or as required by dependent work from other TCs. 7. AOB ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): scribe: Tom Rutt Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Topic: Review of Agenda Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): No comments on agenda, agenda approved without change Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): topic: Approval of the minutes from 2 December: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bindings/download.php/40480/SCA%20Bindings%20minutes%202010-12-02.doc Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): No comments on 2 December Minutes, no objection to approval of minutes of 2 December Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): No action items Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): No new issues Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Topic: CD and PR Status Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): JMS Binding Test assertions/test cases PR complete, no comments received. JMS Binding spec 15-day PR still pending, awaiting response from TC admin. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Simon: schema issues were resolved. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Mike: Schemas were published Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Topic: TC Status, Future Plans Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Simon reviewed the points from the agenda Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Mike: Fabric 3 has a JMS implementation, but I do not know if it is compliant with latest spec Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Simon: question as to whether TC members are prepared to contribute to JCA and HTTP bindings. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): No comments or opinions Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Simon: I suggest we investigate a second JMS binding implementation, and put the other work items on hold. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Eric: Tibco has talked about the http binding, as far as I know, Tuscany has some kind of HTTP binding. Perhaps Fabric 3 also has an HTTP binding. But I am not sure if these implementations are aligned with the direction or our draft. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Simon: the Tuscany implementation would require changes to align Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Mike: Tuscany, and IBM commercial implementations do exist, however they are closer to being JSON bindings. We would like to hear that members from other companies feel this warrants the standardization effort. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Simon: I have not received comments on the Use cases that I prepared. Thus I do not feel inclined to incorporate these use cases into a next version of the HTTP binding draft spec. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Eric: I will try to get some concrete understanding from TIBCO on the kind of commitment we can put into this work. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Simon: members should look at the use case to make comments on it regarding moving forward. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): New Action: Mike to Investigate Fabric 3 implementation of JMS binding. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): New Action: Eric to determine potential for commitment from TIBCO on working on HTTP binding Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Mike: I suggest members ask in their company whether there is an interest in the JCA binding spec. IBM is interested, but we need sufficient support across the industry to warrant further standards work on JCA binding. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Simon: unless we hear from others, I suggest the JCA binding work be put on hold. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Simon: we will have a meeting in two weeks time. At that meeting we can discuss our future work and meeting schedule. Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Meeting adjourned at 12:35 PM EST. Sent transcript to: tom@coastin.com -- ---------------------------------------------------- Tom Rutt email: tom@coastin.com; trutt@us.fujitsu.com Tel: +1 732 801 5744 Fax: +1 732 774 5133
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