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Subject: Re: [sca-bindings] Bindings TC meeting this week cancelled


Sorry I have been tied up with other work and have not had time to contribute on the outstanding work items. I do plan on getting those done. I would also like to remind you that Fabric3 is working on conformance to the JMS specification.

However, the issue here is not lack of interest. The Assembly, Policy and Binding TCs have all achieved their Exit Criteria. Actually, they have gone beyond them. The problem has been one company, Oracle, which is blocking bringing the relevant specifications from reaching final status on non-technical grounds that they view SCA as not relevant to their market.

There has been ample interest in SCA demonstrated on this list and others. Unfortunately, it appears a single company can use a minority vote to block what many agree to be an excellent technical standard.

Hopefully we will find a way around the current impasse.   

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Simon Holdsworth <simon_holdsworth@uk.ibm.com> wrote:
Folks,  as I've not had any requests for topics or business on Thursday's Bindings TC call I'm cancelling it.  Once there is sufficient demand for another meeting I'll schedule one.

Given the lack of activity we need to again consider the question of the TC's future.  I was expecting that to be influenced by the discussion in the Assembly TC however as far as I've seen there has been very little additional discussion there either since August.

Regards, Simon

Simon Holdsworth
STSM, WebSphere ESB Product Architect
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