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Subject: Re: [sca-bpel] Removing the complexity of merging derived componenttypes with side files


Danny van der Rijn wrote:
> As per my action item, I propose that the following note be sent to the LSC.
> Danny van der Rijn
> --------------------------------
> With recent action by the assembly committee (Assembly 36 <http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-36>?) it is left to each C&I to develop rules stating how an Introspected Component Type and a Component Type Side File are merged to arrive at an Effective Component Type.  It is the opinion of the BPEL C&I committee that the following convention be adopted by all C&Is:
> - In the case of a C&I where it is possible and convenient to derive a Component Type from implementation files, then such derivation rules SHOULD be specified, and use of a Component Type Side File be disallowed.
> - In cases where it is not possible or convenient to derive a Component Type, a Component Type Side File SHOULD be specified, and no derivation rules be allowed.
> This decision is to be made on a per C&I basis, not a per-component basis.
> The end result is that each C&I either has derivation rules, or a component-type side file, and no rules for merging need be specified.

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