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Subject: Formatted minutes of 2009-04-16 telcon

Thanks to MichaelR for scribing.


Title: SCA-BPEL - 2009-04-16




16 APR 2009


Michael Rowley, (Active Endpoints, Inc.)
Mike Edwards, (IBM)
Dieter Koenig, (IBM)
Martin Chapman, (Oracle Corporation)
Anish Karmarkar, (Oracle Corporation)
Ashok Malhotra, (Oracle Corporation)
Sanjay Patil, (SAP AG)
Anish Karmarkar
Michael Rowley


[1]  approval of 2009-04-09 minutes
[2]  AI review
[3]  PR update
[4]  Draft 6 of test assertion document.
[5]  Continued discussion of test document, starting at SBL-TA-2008
Table of Resolutions
Table of Action Items

Action Items

2009-04-16-1: Anish to draft an issue on the subject.



Agenda --
1. Roll Call
2. Appointment of scribe
Scribe list attached below
3. Agenda bashing
4. Approval of Apr 9, 2009 minutes
5. Action Items review
#0059 Anish - Create Test Assertions for conformance items until SBPEL2020
#0062 Sanjay - Reword SBL-TA-SP01 to reflect new tighter spec language
6. Status of PR
7. New issues
8. Test assertion doc and testing
Latest Draft v06: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00028.html
This draft covers all our 2119 statements. The TAs need to be reviewed, comments addressed and approved.
9. AOB
<Michael Rowley>
<Michael Rowley>
Topic - Draft 6 of test assertion document.

Scribe: Michael Rowley

Agenda approved.

approval of 2009-04-09 minutes

Minutes of April 9 approved by general consent.
Resolution: minutes of 2009-04-09 located at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00035.html approved

AI review

AI 59: Done
AI 62: Still pending.

PR update

PR is reportedly due to be published by OASIS by the end of this week.

Draft 6 of test assertion document.

Starting at SBL-TA-2007
Anish suggests that we change the spec where it says: "[SBPEL2009] The multiplicity of the reference MUST be determined according to the algorithm defined by rules [SBPEL2010]-[SBPEL2013]." to remove the MUST.
It would be: "[SBPEL2009] The multiplicity of the reference _is_ be determined according to the algorithm defined by rules [SBPEL2010]-[SBPEL2013]."
s/ be//
Michael Rowley moves that we remove SBPEL2009 as a tagged conformance item.
Mike E seconds.
Motion is to open an issue for the same.
Motion carries without objection.
this will be issue 36
Resolution: Issue 36 opened
Michael Rowley moves to resolve 36 by changing "MUST be" to "is" in the sentence marked by SBPEL2009 and remove the marking.
Mike Edwards seconds.
Motion carries without objection.
Resolution: Issue 36 resolved by changing 'MUST' to 'is' and removing the comformance item SBPEL2009

Continued discussion of test document, starting at SBL-TA-2008

In 2011 C, the word "determines" should be "determine".
Discussion of section 2.1.2 of the document.
Perhaps remove the one requirement in that section, or change it to say that a service MUST NOT have @initializePartnerRole="yes".
Action: Anish to draft an issue on the subject.
Another alternative would be to change the current MUST in that section to "SHOULD".

[End of Minutes]
Formatted on 2009-04-17 at 16:47:33 GMT-8

Minutes formatted by Schreiber, a collection of XSLT stylesheets by Bob Freund modeled after David Booth's scribe

Schreiber diagnostics output

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