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Subject: Minutes of 2009-04-30 TC Call

(See attached file: 2009-04-30.txt)

Kind Regards

Dieter König

Senior Technical Staff Member, WebSphere Process Server Architect
IBM Software Group, Application and Integration Middleware Software
WSS Business Process Solutions
  Phone:            +49-7031-16-3426           IBM Deutschland                      (Embedded
                                                                                  image moved
                                                                                     to file:
  E-Mail:           dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com    Schönaicher Str. 220  
                                               71032 Böblingen       
  IBM Deutschland                                                      
  Research &                                                           
  GmbH /                                                               
  Vorsitzender des                                                     
  Martin Jetter                                                        
  Erich Baier                                                          
  Sitz der                                                             
  Böblingen /                                                        
  Stuttgart, HRB                                                       
[16:57] anonymous morphed into anish
[16:58] anish: Date: 2009-04-30
[16:58] anish: Agenda:

1. Roll Call

2. Appointment of scribe
Scribe list attached below

3. Agenda bashing

4. Approval of Apr 23, 2009 minutes

5. Administrivia
Public Review Announcement

Subscription to the PR comments list

PR Comments list

Call for disclosure

5. Action Items review
#0062 Sanjay - Reword SBL-TA-SP01 to reflect new tighter spec language

#0064 Michael Rowley - to draft a resolution to issue-38 based on the discussion

#0065 Dieter Koenig - Look for a new issue wrt parterlinks and test assertion 2014

6. New Issues
a> issue 39 - References to WS-BPEL 2.0 Attributes myRole and partnerRole

7. Issue Discussion
Issue 38: Is the 'MUST' in section 2.1.2 needed?

Email Discussion

8. Test assertion doc
Latest Draft v06: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00028.html
Review TAs added by Anish from SBL-TA-2017
Review TAs added by Khanderao from SBL-TA-3001
Review TAs added by Sanjay from SBL-TA-SP04
Will start at TA2017

9. Plan for testing
Seeking volunteers to write test cases

10. AOB

[17:04] anish: Chair: Sanjay Patil
[17:05] anish: Scribe: Dieter Koenig
[17:05] Mike Edwards: well done, Dieter
[17:05] anish: ScribeNick: Dieter Koenig

[17:05] Dieter Koenig: 3. Agenda bashing
[17:05] Dieter Koenig: Agenda approved

[17:05] Dieter Koenig: 4. Approval of Apr 23, 2009 minutes
[17:05] Dieter Koenig: Minutes approved

[17:06] Dieter Koenig: 5. Administrivia
Public Review Announcement

Subscription to the PR comments list

PR Comments list

Call for disclosure

[17:08] Dieter Koenig: Several TC members have subscribed to the PR comments list

[17:09] Dieter Koenig: 5. Action Items review
#0062 Sanjay - Reword SBL-TA-SP01 to reflect new tighter spec language

#0064 Michael Rowley - to draft a resolution to issue-38 based on the discussion

#0065 Dieter Koenig - Look for a new issue wrt parterlinks and test assertion 2014

[17:09] anish: Present+    Mike Edwards, (IBM)
Present+    Dieter Koenig, (IBM)
Present+    Martin Chapman, (Oracle Corporation)
Present+    Khanderao Kand, (Oracle Corporation)
Present+    Anish Karmarkar, (Oracle Corporation)
Present+    Ashok Malhotra, (Oracle Corporation)
Present+    Sanjay Patil, (SAP AG)
Present+    Najeeb Andrabi, (TIBCO Software Inc.)
Present+    Danny van der Rijn, (TIBCO Software Inc.)

[17:10] Dieter Koenig: AI 0062 still pending
[17:10] Dieter Koenig: AI 0064 is done
[17:10] Dieter Koenig: AI 0065 is done

[17:11] Dieter Koenig: 6. New Issues
a> issue 39 - References to WS-BPEL 2.0 Attributes myRole and partnerRole
[17:11] anish: Dieter explains issue 39
[17:11] anish: Dieter: in WS-BPEL the partnerLink element has myrole and partnerRole which are optional
[17:12] anish: ... it is sufficient to specify only one, the other is implied
[17:12] Sanjay: thanks Anish for covering for the scribe
[17:12] anish: ... a PL referencing a PLT only has one role
[17:12] anish: ... the spec talks about partnerRole which may not be present
[17:13] anish: ... in many cases, it just says the partnerRole of the PL or the myRole of the PL
[17:14] anish: ... to keep the impact at the minimum we can say that the values are either explicit or implied
[17:14] anish: ... the only exception is SBPEL3011
[17:15] anish: Danny: ws-bpel does not require explicit attributes. But perhaps we are reading too much of the fact that the ws-bpel spec does not require the attributes
[17:16] anish: Dieter: certainly is best practice to include it, but being picky here
[17:17] anish: Sanjay: the proposal still talks about attributes
[17:17] anish: Dieter: yes, need to reword the proposal
[17:18] Martin C wonders how we can fix bugs in ws-bpel
[17:18] anish: Danny: if we open this issue I want to ensure that we are not encouraging anyone to not specify the partnerRole in WS-BPEL
[17:18] anish: ... this is a bug in WS-BPEL
[17:19] Dieter Koenig: Motion to open BPEL-39 (m: Dieter, s: MikeE)
[17:19] Dieter Koenig: Motion accepted without objection
[17:19] anish: Resolution: Issue 39 is opened
[17:19] Dieter Koenig: Dieter to resubmit a revised proposal

[17:20] Dieter Koenig: 7. Issue Discussion
Issue 38: Is the 'MUST' in section 2.1.2 needed?

Email Discussion

[17:21] Dieter Koenig: Discussion postponed until MikeR is present
[17:21] Dieter Koenig: 8. Test assertion doc
Latest Draft v06: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00028.html
Review TAs added by Anish from SBL-TA-2017
Review TAs added by Khanderao from SBL-TA-3001
Review TAs added by Sanjay from SBL-TA-SP04
Will start at TA2017
[17:27] Dieter Koenig: Anish will open a new issue in order to remove the redundant rule SBPEL2019
[17:27] Dieter Koenig: (New Action Item)
[17:29] Dieter Koenig: Continuing with SBL-TA-2020 - SBL-TA-2022
[17:34] anish: Action: Anish to open a new issue in order to remove the redundant rule SBPEL2019
[17:34] Dieter Koenig: Would "Multiple partner links (defined in different scopes) share the same name." be ok?
[17:37] Dieter Koenig: In SBL-TA-2020, we replace the Prerequisite statements a) and b) by the combined statement above
[17:40] Dieter Koenig: In SBPEL2022, it seems that the MAY has to be replaced by a MUST
[17:41] Dieter Koenig: Moreover, the rule SBPEL2022 must be applied recursively
[17:42] Dieter Koenig: New Action Item: Anish will submit a new issue
[17:43] anish: Action: Anish to submit a new issue regd 2022 "MAY" and recursivity
[17:43] anish: Action: Editors to fix the typo "orginalName"
[17:45] Dieter Koenig: Continuing with SBL-TA-3001
[17:46] Dieter Koenig: Prerequisite should be about "two or more variable declarations."
[17:46] Dieter Koenig: Continuing with SBL-TA-3002
[17:48] Dieter Koenig: Remove Prerequisite a)
[17:51] Dieter Koenig: s/Remove/Update
[17:52] Dieter Koenig: a) a variable declaration has an sca-bpelroperty attribute
[17:53] anish: Khanderao's TAs, finished TA3002. Next time start at TA3003
[17:54] Dieter Koenig: Continuing with SBL-TA-3004
[17:55] Dieter Koenig: s/SBL-TA-3004/SBL-TA-SP04
[17:55] anish: Moved to sanjay's TAs
[18:00] Dieter Koenig: (running out of time)
[18:01] Dieter Koenig: Need to revisit SBL-TA-SP04 next time

[18:01] Dieter Koenig: No time for Agenda Topic 9.
[18:01] Dieter Koenig: 10. AOB
[18:02] Dieter Koenig: Meeting adjourned


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