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Subject: Proposal for SCA-BPEL Issue 39

We discussed the proposal for SCA-BPEL issue 39 (
http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-39) during the last TC call.

After re-checking, I think that the current proposal does not need to be

The proposed new text ...

[SBPEL3011] The partnerLinkType attribute of the partner link and
multi-valued reference variable MUST be matched and the partnerRole
attribute of the multi-valued reference variable MUST match the partnerRole
of the partner link.

... only refers to the **partnerRole attribute** of the **multi-valued
reference** (which always has the partnerRole attribute) and refers to the
**partnerRole** of the **partner link** (which may only have the myRole
attribute specified).

With that, this rule is consistent with others in referring to the
partnerRole without explicitly requiring the **partnerRole attribute** to
be present on a **partner link**.

Let's revisit this in the next call.

Kind Regards

Dieter König

Senior Technical Staff Member, WebSphere Process Server Architect
IBM Software Group, Application and Integration Middleware Software
WSS Business Process Solutions
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