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Subject: Raw minutes from 2009-MAY-07 con call
[8:01] anish: 1. Roll Call http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bpel/members/roster.php 2. Appointment of scribe Scribe list attached below 3. Agenda bashing 4. Approval of Apr 30, 2009 minutes http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200905/msg00001.html 5. Action Items review #0062 Sanjay - Reword SBL-TA-SP01 to reflect new tighter spec language PENDING #0066 Anish - open a new issue to make SBPEL2019 as a non-normative statement since it is redundant to SBPEL2020-2022 DONE #0067 Anish - Submit a new issue regarding the use of 'MAY' by SBPEL 2022 and the recursivity of the statement DONE #0068 Editors - fix the typo "orginalName" in the section 2.3 #0069 Khanderao - SBL-TA-3001: Prerequisite should be about "two or more variable declarations #0070 Khanderao - SBL-TA-2020: replace the Prerequisite statements a) and b) by the combined statement - "Multiple partner links (defined in different scopes) share the same name". #0071 Khanderao - SBL-TA-2022: Include 'prerequisite of SBL-TA-2020' as additional prerequisite #0072 Khaderao - SBL-TA-3002 Update prerequisites a) and c) on the lines of: a) a variable declaration has an sca-bpel property attribute b) a value is provided for the property via component configuration 6. New Issues a. Issue 40 SBPEL2019 is redundant http://osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-40 b. Issue 41 SBPEL2022 has an incorrect 'MAY' and is not applied recursively http://osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-41 7. Issue Discussion a) Issue 38: Is the 'MUST' in section 2.1.2 needed? http://osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-38 Email Discussion http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00062.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00064.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00070.html b) Issue 39 References to WS-BPEL 2.0 Attributes "myRole" and "partnerRole" http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-39 http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200905/msg00003.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200905/msg00004.html 8. Test assertion doc Latest Draft v06: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00028.html Review TAs added by Khanderao starting at SBL-TA-3003 Review TAs added by Sanjay starting at SBL-TA-SP04 9. Plan for testing Seeking volunteers to write test cases 10. AOB [8:01] anish: Date: 2009-05-07 [8:06] anish: scribe: Danny van der Rijn [8:06] anish: scribNick: Danny van der Rijn [8:07] Danny van der Rijn: topic: Approval of minutes [8:07] Danny van der Rijn: Resolution: minute approved unanimously [8:08] Danny van der Rijn: Topic: AI Review [8:09] Danny van der Rijn: 62 is pending; 66,67 done; 68 - 72 pending [8:09] Danny van der Rijn: Topic: New Issue, Issue 40 [8:09] Danny van der Rijn: SBPEL 2019 is redundant [8:10] Danny van der Rijn: Motion: open issue 40 (m: Dieter, s: Najeeb) [8:11] Danny van der Rijn: resolution: issue 40 open [8:12] Danny van der Rijn: Motion: To resolve issue 40 as proposed in mail/jira. (m: Dieter, Khanderao) [8:12] Danny van der Rijn: resolution: motion carries without objection, issue 40 is resolved [8:12] Danny van der Rijn: Topic: New Issue, Issue 41 - SBPEL2022 has an incorrect 'MAY' and is not applied recursively [8:15] Danny van der Rijn: Motion: To open issue 41 (m: Dieter, s: Danny) [8:15] Danny van der Rijn: Resolution: Issue 41 is opened with unanimously [8:18] anish: Danny's proposal -- "If any "_originalName_i" (where N is the number of partnerLinks of name 'originalName', 1 <= i <= N) is already the name of a partner link declaration in the process definition, then the smallest number of additional underscore characters MUST be added at the beginning of all originalNames, to avoid a collision." [8:20] Danny van der Rijn: Danny: What exactly are we trying to accomplish? [8:21] Danny van der Rijn: Anish: originalName corresponds to name across scopes that collide. N such collisions. Trying to avoid possibility that _originalName_i is also a name of another partnerLink. [8:22] Danny van der Rijn: Danny: across what scope do we add underscores? originalName collision, or the entire process [8:27] Danny van der Rijn: anish: agreement that we need to change MAY to MUST. need more work on what we're trying to do. [8:28] Danny van der Rijn: najeeb: do we need to make it a MUST. Do we need to define it in a particular way? [8:29] Danny van der Rijn: anish: problem I see with that is that the names are important when you configure component in composite. [8:32] Danny van der Rijn: danny: componentType is inferred from BPEL file each time, not generated and saved [8:32] Danny van der Rijn: anish: what direction do we want to take? Do we want to fix this to ensure deterministic componentType across all runtimes, or punt it as an edge case? [8:33] Danny van der Rijn: mikeE: if you're going to allow it to be an edge case, what would that say to a developer? [8:41] Danny van der Rijn: action: Danny to further the issue discussion in email [8:43] Danny van der Rijn: topic: test assertions [8:43] Danny van der Rijn: topic: SBL-TA-3003 [8:45] anish: ACTION: Khanderao change the target of 3003 to CT [8:47] Danny van der Rijn: topic: SBL-TA-3004 [8:48] Danny van der Rijn: anish: I don't see why this is a MAY [8:54] Danny van der Rijn: Action: Najeeb to raise new issue about requirement of multiplicity [8:54] Danny van der Rijn: topic: SBL-TA-3005 [8:56] Danny van der Rijn: mikeE: the target is too broad. should be relevant to the predicate. [8:57] anish: Action: Khanderao to refine the target for 3005 [8:58] Danny van der Rijn: topic: SBL-TA-3006 [8:59] Danny van der Rijn: topic: SBL-TA-3007 [9:01] Danny van der Rijn: mikeE: components don't have componentType - implementations do [9:01] Danny van der Rijn: anish: exists throughout doc. [9:02] Danny van der Rijn: anish: "componentType of the BPEL process" - should be changed throughout [9:03] Danny van der Rijn: action: anish to fix as above [9:03] Danny van der Rijn: adjourned |
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