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Subject: RE: [sca-bindings] A New SCA Testing TC?

Why not have the Assembly TC carry on the work that the new TC would?
What is the downside of doing so? Does any of the advantages of forming
the new TC (listed in the email below) become unavailable if Assembly TC
were to carry out the said work?
-- Sanjay

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ashok malhotra [mailto:ashok.malhotra@oracle.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, Jul 15, 2009 13:43 PM
> To: OASIS Assembly Test; OASIS Policy; OASIS Bindings; OASIS 
> Subject: [sca-bindings] A New SCA Testing TC?
> If you have been following the Assembly Testing work, you 
> know that the 
> Assembly Test Cases are written in Java.
> Mike is now preparing a BPEL version.
> Clearly, the Java test cases test the Java C&I to some extent 
> and Bryan 
> has raised an issue that asks whether the Assembly and Java 
> tests should 
> be more cleanly separated, but there are complications.  The Assembly 
> tests need some C&I to test and some duplication cannot be 
> prevented.  
> Also, if the Assembly tests and the language tests were 
> separated, then 
> who adjudicate differences of opinion and duplication?  
> Further, if the 
> Assembly tests were shorn of any language C&I, someone could 
> come along, 
> pass only the Assembly, Policy and Bindings tests and claim 
> SCA compliance.
> So, I'm suggesting we consider forming a new TC that would be 
> responsible for all SCA Testing.
> Before you go "Aaargh!  Not another TC!", please consider the 
> advantages:
> 1. Bryan's issue would be closed as there would be only a 
> single TC and 
> it would write and manage all the tests, some
> of which would, of course, cover Assembly and one or more language 
> C&Is.   In fact, thinking about it, many of the tests
> would cover some Assembly features, some Policy, a binding 
> and some C&I.
> 2.. If all the tests were in a single TC there would be no need for 
> someone else to settle disputes.
> 3. If an outside party were to come and claim SCA compliance, the 
> Testing TC would have the authority to vet their
> tests and say 'yay' or 'nay'.  Or to enforce which tests they 
> should run.
> What do people think?
> -- 
> All the best, Ashok
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