Scribe: Danny van der Rijn
Agenda Bashing
Approval of 2010-03-11 minutes
Minutes approved w/o objection
Resolution: minutes of 2010-03-11 located at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/201003/msg00003.html approved
#0125 Anish Produce test assertions for SBPEL2023 + changes in TA for issue 58 resolution
Editorial work still needed; but as far as assertions themselves, I believe we are done.
Are we going to mark the assertions as testable or not testable? Haven't gone through doc looking for that. If so, non-editorial
work to be done
AI #127 (SCA-BPEL 1.1 CD02 Revision
#0128 Anish to update the TA spec to be in sync with the latest spec
New Issues
Motion: Anish moves to accept Issue 63, s Danny
Motion passes unanimously
Resolution: Issue 63 opened
"If the attribute sca-bpel:ignore does not have a value of "true" and neither of the attributes sca-bpel:service or sca-bpel:reference
are present on the partner link..."
Discussion on whether "canonical" is needed
If the attribute sca-bpel:ignore does not have a value of "true" and neither of the attributes sca-bpel:service or sca-bpel:reference
are present on the partner link, then if a static analysis of the process determines that it is possible that the first message
for a partner link will be received in a <receive> activity, the <onMessage> element of a <pick> activity or the <onEvent>
element of an event handler then the introspected component type MUST include an SCA service that corresponds to the partner
link in the component type.
Motion: Resolve Issue 63 by replacing the current SBPEL2005 text with the text above in the chat (m Anish, s Martin)
Does this proposal have any impact on the test assertions?
It's possible. TA text may be inaccurate. Checking quickly. Yes, the prereq needs to reflect that
Amendment: Amend SBL-TA-2003 similarly (editorial action) (m Danny, s Anish)
Amendment passes w/o objection
Amended motion passes w/o objection
Resolution: Issue 63 resolved with proposal in the chat
Action: Editors to update spec with Issue 63 resolution
Status of spec/TA
Rev 8 includes all issues except Issue 63. TA revision 15 is similarly up to date
SBPEL1001 contains 2 MUST statements, each with different targets. Important to label with different tags.
1st target is composite. 2nd target is SCA Runtime
"SCA Runtime" means "SCA-BPEL Runtime"
We should treat this as an editorial issue.
Any objection to creating such an editorial action?
Action: Editors to update specification and TA doc as per Anish's comments
No progress to report from Anish or Sanjay yet.
Danny van der Rijn 2014 and 1328
SBPEL2014] If a partner link is marked with initializePartnerRole="yes" then any component that uses this business process
as an implementation MUST configure the corresponding service or reference using binding, promotion and wiring configuration
that guarantees that the partner link's partner role will be initialized as soon as the partner link becomes active. If the
partner link is mapped to a service, the callback binding would be the relevant binding for this requirement.
this is 2 statements. Last sentence isn't needed as part of 2014
Statement is useful, just not highlighted as part of 2014 or in the TA
proposes an editorial AI to do so
Action: Editors to remove 2nd sentence from highlighting and remove 2nd sentence from TA table
[SBPEL3028] The NCName specified by the sca-bpel:isPartnerRoleSet function argument MUST be the name of an in-scope partnerLink
in the WS-BPEL process. The partnerLink referred to is determined by standard WS-BPEL lexical scoping rules.
probably just a cut-and-paste error
Action: Editors to remove 2nd sentence of SBPEL3028 from highlighting and TA table in appendix
Schreiber diagnostics output
[Delete this section before publishing the minutes]
final validation: Title not specified, default title 'OASIS SCA-BPEL TC...' was assumed
citation-detection-scribed: Line 98: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'Issue 63'
citation-detection-scribed: Line 101: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'Motion'
citation-detection-scribed: Line 115: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'Motion'
citation-detection-scribed: Line 125: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'Amendment'
citation-detection-scribed: Line 188: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'Adjourned at 8'
statistics: Schreiber found 115 input lines
edits: Schreiber found the following text-edit commands:
edits: Line 117: Danny van der Rijn: s/2005/SBPEL2005/
edits: Line 178: anish: s/2028/3028/
citation-detection-irc1: Line 4: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 13: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 45: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 46: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
command-scribe: Line 56: Danny van der Rijn recognized
command-scribe: Schreiber detected that this section was scribed online
citation-detection-irc1: Line 73: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'Latest (Rev Spec'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 90: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 99: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
edit-substitute: command on line 117 succeeded, changed line 115 from '2005' to 'SBPEL2005'
edit-delete: Line 117 was deleted
citation-detection-irc1: Line 138: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'Latest (Rev Spec'
edit-substitute: command on line 178 succeeded, changed line 176 from '2028' to '3028'
edit-delete: Line 178 was deleted
system: Transformer: SAXON
[End of Schreiber diagnostic output]