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Subject: [sca-bpel] TC Call 2010-04-29 -- Unformatted Minutes

[17:00] anish: Agenda -
[17:00] anish: 1. Roll Call

2. Appointment of scribe
Scribe list attached below

3. Agenda bashing

4. Approval of minutes
2010-04-15 minutes
5. Review of Action Items
AI #0133: Sanjay - TA editors to update the document based on 2010-04-15
call agreements

6. Testing
a> Status of SCA BPEL Runtime used for testing
i> Support for multiReference extension:
ii> Reference generation -
iii> Support for wiredByImpl -
b> Review of tests for
SBL-TA-2002: Test_SBPEL_2002
SBL-TA-2003: Test_SBPEL_2003
SBL-TA-2008: Test_SBPEL_2006
SBL-TA-2009: Test_SBPEL_2008, Test_SBPEL_2009
SBL-TA-2012: Test_SBPEL_2010

c> Input for writing tests for: SBL-TA-2005, SBL-TA-2007, SBL-TA-2011 and

d> Planned schedule -
Mar 18 - Revised specification draft
Mar 18 - Update Test Assertion Document
Apr 18 - Test Case Creation
Apr 29 - Review and finalization of Test Cases
May 6 - Go for 2nd PR

Here is a rough break up of work for creating the test cases. More
volunteers are appreciated.
Sanjay - SBL-TA-1001 to SBL-TA-2018
Anish - SBL-TA-3001 to SBL-TA-3026

Discussion on how to run the tests:
Instruction for setting up Tuscany for test case development and testing

7. AOB
[17:01] anish: Agenda:
[17:01] Mike Edwards: They are multiplying !!!
[17:02] MartinC ive had two for ages, one hates standards
[17:02] MartinC unless its felix

[17:04] Dieter Koenig: 2. Appointment of scribe
Scribe list attached below
[17:04] anish: scribe: Dieter Koenig
[17:04] anish: ScribeNick: Dieter Koenig

[17:04] Dieter Koenig: 3. Agenda bashing
[17:05] Dieter Koenig: Agenda approved, one more topic - call schedules

[17:05] Dieter Koenig: 4. Approval of minutes
2010-04-15 minutes
[17:05] Dieter Koenig: Minutes approved w/o objection

[17:05] Dieter Koenig: 5. Review of Action Items
AI #0133: Sanjay - TA editors to update the document based on 2010-04-15
call agreements
[17:06] Dieter Koenig: AI #133 closed

[17:06] Dieter Koenig: X. Administrivia
Call schedule
[17:10] Dieter Koenig: Continuing every other week - next calls are May 13
and May 27
[17:10] Dieter Koenig: May 6 and May 20 will be cancelled

[17:10] Dieter Koenig: 6. Testing

[17:11] Dieter Koenig: 6. a> Status of SCA BPEL Runtime used for testing
i> Support for multiReference extension:
ii> Reference generation -
iii> Support for wiredByImpl -
[17:13] Dieter Koenig: Work in progress

[17:14] Dieter Koenig: 6. c> Input for writing tests for: SBL-TA-2005,
SBL-TA-2006, SBL-TA-2011 and SBL-TA-2011.1
[17:14] Dieter Koenig: See test assertions doument published today
[17:15] Dieter Koenig:
[17:15] Sanjay: Latest TA docs:
[17:15] Sanjay:


[17:17] Dieter Koenig: SBL-TA-2005 - use partner link in an invoke activity
[17:20] Dieter Koenig: Mike E: the assertions should have less uncertainty
("it is possible that" etc.)
[17:21] Dieter Koenig: (in particular w.r.t. their prerequisites)
[17:23] Dieter Koenig: in b), say e.g. "the first use of a partner link is
in an invoke activity"
[17:24] Dieter Koenig: in other words, it is *not* in an

[17:25] anish: SBL-TA-2003 should be split into 3 assertions
[17:25] anish: one each for receive, onMessage on onEvent
[17:25] anish: s/on onEvent/, onEvent/
[17:31] Dieter Koenig: SBL-TA-2005 a) A partner link of a BPEL process that
is pointed to by
<implementation.bpel> has neither the @sca-bpel:reference nor the @scabpel:
service attribute, nor the @sca-bpel:ignore attribute with a canonical
value of true specified

[17:32] Dieter Koenig: (continuing on SBL-TA-2005) copy wording from
[17:32] anish: to SBL-TA-2005
[17:32] Dieter Koenig: SBL-TA-2006
[17:33] Dieter Koenig: similar to SBL-TA-2005
[17:33] Dieter Koenig: add ignore case to a)

[17:33] Dieter Koenig: SBL-TA-2011 and SBL-TA-2011.1
[17:36] Dieter Koenig: WS-BPEL 2.0:
The initializePartnerRole attribute specifies whether the WS-BPEL processor
is required to initialize a <partnerLink>'s partnerRole value. The
attribute has no affect on the partnerRole's value after its
initialization. [SA00017] The initializePartnerRole attribute MUST NOT be
used on a partner link that does not have a partner role; this restriction
MUST be statically enforced. If the initializePartnerRole attribute is set
to "yes" then the WS-BPEL processor MUST initialize the EPR of the
partnerRole before that EPR is first utilized by the WS-BPEL process. (...)
If the initializePartnerRole attribute is set to "no" then the WS-BPEL
processor MUST NOT initialize the EPR of the partnerRole before that EPR is
first utilized by the WS-BPEL process. If the initializePartnerRole
attribute is omitted then the partner role MAY be initialized by a WS-BPEL
[17:47] Dieter Koenig: (end of WS-BPEL 2.0 spec text)
[17:49] Dieter Koenig: SBL-TA-2011 create a positive test with an EPR
provided in the callback binding
[17:52] Dieter Koenig: SBL-TA-2011 create a negative test without a
callback binding
[17:53] Dieter Koenig: SBL-TA-2011.1 seems straightforward - outbound case
[17:58] Dieter Koenig: (out of time)
[17:59] Ashok --- please add me to the roll

[18:01] Dieter Koenig: 7. AOB
[18:02] Dieter Koenig: Next call May 13 - may not be quorate

[18:02] Dieter Koenig: Meeting adjourned

Kind Regards

Dieter Koenig

Senior Technical Staff Member, WebSphere BPM Architecture, Standardization,
Integration Quality Assurance
IBM Software Group, Application and Integration Middleware Software
WSS Business Process Solutions
 Phone:            +49-7031-16-3426           IBM Deutschland                      (Embedded
                                                                                 image moved
                                                                                    to file:
 E-Mail:           dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com    Schönaicher Str. 220   
                                              71032 Böblingen        
 IBM Deutschland                                                       
 Research &                                                            
 GmbH /                                                                
 Vorsitzender des                                                      
 Martin Jetter                                                         
 Dirk Wittkopp                                                         
 Sitz der                                                              
 Böblingen /                                                         
 Stuttgart, HRB                                                        


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