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Subject: Should introduction of @Local annotation (JAVA-3) affect the Semantics ofan Unannotated Implementation


Should the introduction of @Local annotation affect the "Semantics of an
Unannotated Implementation" (section 8 in sca-javaci-draft-20070926.doc)
where we are currently using only interfaces marked with @Remotable in
computing the references/properties of an implementation?


             Simon Nash                                                
             27/08/2008 12:57          sca-j@lists.oasis-open.org      
                                       Re: [sca-j] Introspecting services
                                       offered by a Java implementation
                                       class without @Service          

Minor nit: the @OneWay annotation applies to a method, not to an
interface.  Your example should be updated to show this.

In your example, these services are local.  Issue JAVA-3 has proposed a new
annotation @Local that could be used on Interface1and Interface2 to allow
them to be recognized by the introspection algorithm.

I believe this discussion can be handled under JAVA-3 and there is no need
to create a new issue.


Simon C. Nash, IBM Distinguished Engineer
Member of the IBM Academy of Technology
Tel. +44-1962-815156  Fax +44-1962-818999

 Raymond Feng                                                          
 25/08/2008 17:25                            sca-j@lists.oasis-open.org
                                             [sca-j] Introspecting     
                                             services offered by a Java
                                             implementation class without


In Java Component Implementation Specification 1.00, we have the following

143 Introspecting services offered by a Java implementation
144 In the cases described below, the services offered by a Java
implementation class may be determined
145 through introspection, eliding the need to specify them using @Service.
The following algorithm is used to
146 determine how services are introspected from an implementation class:
147 If the interfaces of the SCA services are not specified with the
@Service annotation on the implementation
148 class, it is assumed that all implemented interfaces that have been
annotated as @Remotable are the
149 service interfaces provided by the component. If none of the
implemented interfaces is remotable, then by
150 default the implementation offers a single service whose type is the
implementation class.

What if an interface is annotated with SCA annotations such as @OneWay or

For example:

public class MyServiceImpl implements Interface1, Interface2 {

public interface Interface1 {

public interface Interface2 {

By the spec, there is only one service named MyServiceImpl. But isn't it
more natural that we should find two SCA services: Interface1 and
Interface2? Please clarify.


Raymond Feng
Senior Software Engineer, Open Source SCA Development, Apache Tuscany
IBM Bay Area Lab, 1001 E Hillsdale Blvd, Suite 400, Foster City, CA 94404,
E-mail: rfeng@us.ibm.com, Notes: Raymond Feng/Burlingame/IBM, Tel:
650-645-8117, T/L: 367-8117
Web & Blog: www.enjoyjava.com - The Cyber Cafeteria to Enjoy Java

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