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sca-j message

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Subject: Specifications for Public Review

I was just about to send these out and noticed that the Specification  
titles use the word "Java" - this is prohibited by the OASIS TC  
Process Policy, in the same way that it was prohibited from being used  
in the name of the TC.

 From section 2.18 Specification Quality:
"All documents and other files produced by the TC, including  
specifications at any level of approval, must use the OASIS file  
naming scheme, and must include the OASIS copyright notice. All  
document files must be written using the OASIS document authoring  
templates, which shall be published and maintained by the TC  
Administrator. The name of any specification may not include any  
trademarks or service marks not owned by OASIS."

I can simply edit the files and replace "Java" with "J" or you can  
provide updated files; whichever you prefer.



Mary P McRae
Director, Standards Development
Technical Committee Administrator
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
web: www.oasis-open.org
twitter: fiberartisan  #oasisopen
phone: 1.603.232.9090

Standards are like parachutes: they work best when they're open.

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