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Subject: Raw log of 2009-12-07 chat
Mark Combellack: - Roll Call http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/membership.php?wg_abbrev=sca-j - Appointment of scribe. List attached below - Agenda bashing - Approval of minutes for 30th November 2009 http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/35443/SCA%20Java%20Minutes%202009-11-30.doc 0. Administration - Issue Status: Open: 15 1. Review action items: Action Items that I believe are done: Action Items that I believe are still to be done: 2009-07-06-01: Dave B to raise to liaison (so that other C&Is can consider and possibly assembly) that non-XML based C&Is should state how the conversion of property values happens 2009-07-13-03: Anish to create a proposal for the list of annotations which make sense for JAVA-166 2009-07-17-01: Mike to create an example of the componentType introspection (JAVA-5 2009-09-28-05: Dave to look at unstated prereqs for JCI-TA-8005/8006 2009-11-09-01: Anish to point out specific locations for editorial corrections (s/./,/) for issue 150 proposal. 2. New Issues (Requires 2/3rds) None 3. Open Issues with proposals ready for discussion (JAA and C&I) a. JAVA-127: Long running request/response operations http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-127 (Mike/Anish) Latest discussion: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200911/msg00051.html Updated proposal (PDF): http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-j/download.php/35238/sca-javacaa-1.1-spec-cd03-rev1_Issue127b.pdf Updated proposal (MS Word): http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-j/download.php/35237/sca-javacaa-1.1-spec-cd03-rev1_Issue127b.doc Presentation slides (Java_Issue_127_Long_Running_Operations_01.odp) http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200911/bin00000.bin Alternative proposal from Anish: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200912/msg00003.html b. JAVA-168: Conversion rules for property values are not specified http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-168 (Dave) Latest discussion: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200912/msg00002.html Updated proposal: sca-javacaa-1.1-spec-cd03-rev1+Issue168_v2.doc: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200912/doc00000.doc sca-javaci-1.1-spec-cd01-rev2_issue168.doc: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200912/doc00001.doc 4. Open Issues with proposals ready for discussion (Spring/EJB/JEE) None 5. Other a. Updated version of the POJO TestCases document and artifacts Latest discussion: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200911/msg00055.html http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-j/download.php/35249/sca-j-pojo-ci-1.1-testcases-wd02.pdf http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-j/download.php/35248/sca-j-pojo-ci-1.1-testcases-wd02.odt 6. Issues waiting for updated proposals (JAA and C&I) a. JAVA-46: equals() method on ServiceReference and CallableReference http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-46 Waiting for updated proposal (Mark) b. JAVA-54: Section 7.1 of the Java CAA Specification is unclear http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-154 Waiting for proposal (Mike) c. JAVA-179: Need type support for @Property when used with SDO http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-179 Proposal in Jira as 2 word documents (Dave) http://www.osoa.org/jira/secure/attachment/10541/sca-javacaa-1.1-spec-cd03%2Bissue179.doc http://www.osoa.org/jira/secure/attachment/10540/sca-javaci-1.1-spec-cd01-rev1%2Bissue179.doc Simon's JAXB annotation investigation: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200909/msg00024.html Waiting for updated proposal (Dave) d. JAVA-192: JAX-WS annotations imply a WSDL based binding (binding.ws) http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-192 (Dave) Waiting for updated proposal (Dave) 7. Issues waiting for updated proposals (Spring/EJB/JEE) a. JAVA-166: Spring C&I does not say anything about SCA annotations http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-166 Waiting for list of Annotations (Anish Action Item) b. JAVA-114: Spring CI runtime behaviour when annotation rules are violated http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-114 Proposal in Jira Blocked by JAVA-166 c. JAVA-109: Property and reference names computed from SCA annotations in web modules not specified explicitly http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-109 Proposal in Jira Waiting for updated proposal (Vamsi) d. JAVA-182: SCA Spring C & I specs needs to refactor text under abstract and introduction http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-182 No proposal (Ram) e. JAVA-174: Consider portlets in the SCA JEE specification http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-174 f. JAVA-91: Java EE Spec: Need to define the derivation of the name of a component contributed to the Domain by an application.composite file http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-91 Waiting for updated proposal (Mike) g. JAVA-93: JEE Integration spec needs to define how effective CT is calculated http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-93 Waiting for updated proposal (Anish) h. JAVA-108: RFC2119 Language is needed for the SCA-JEE Specification http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-108 Waiting for updated proposal i. JAVA-88: Java EE Spec: The @archive attribute of the implementation.jee element needs fixing http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-88 No proposal Plamen to check whether on his informal JEE issues list 8. AOB a. Straggler roll call --------------------------------------------------------------- Rotating scribe list: Graham Charters IBM (5) Yang Lei IBM (11) Plamen Pavlov SAP AG (3) Simon Nash Individual (11) Anish Karmarkar Oracle Corporation (13) Martin Chapman Oracle Corporation (14) Mike Edwards IBM (15) Ashok Malhotra Oracle Corporation (16) Bryan Aupperle IBM (20) anish: Scribe: Anish Karmarkar anish: scribeNick: anish anish: Topic: agenda bashing anish: new item wrt call duration under administration anish: Topic: approval of 2009-11-30 minutes anish: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/35443/SCA%20Java%20Minutes%202009-11-30.doc anish: Resolution: minutes of 2009-11-30 located at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/35443/SCA%20Java%20Minutes%202009-11-30.doc approved w/o anish: Topic: issue status anish: 15 open issues anish: Topic: administration anish: discussion on call time/duration anish: proposal to start 30 minutes later and reduce the call to 60 minutes anish: motion m:mikeE s: anish new call time mondays 8-9 pacific anish: motion approved w/o anish: Resolution: sca-j calls will be on mondays 8-9 pacific anish: topic: AI review anish: no change from what is in the agenda anish: topic: issue 127 Mike Edwards: Anish outlines the alternative proposal anish: discussion on anish's proposal anish: Mike suggested that this be taken off-line anish: Topic: JAVA-168 anish: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-168 (Dave) Latest discussion: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200911/msg00048.html Updated proposal (sca-javacaa-1.1-spec-cd03-rev1+Issue168.doc): http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200911/doc00003.doc anish: Dave walks through his proposal anish: Updated proposal: sca-javacaa-1.1-spec-cd03-rev1+Issue168_v2.doc: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200912/doc00000.doc sca-javaci-1.1-spec-cd01-rev2_issue168.doc: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200912/doc00001.doc anish: MikeE: problem of unannotated java class falling thru the cracks anish: ... JAXB will map unannotated classes, but this proposal does not address it anish: Dave: let the runtime figure out how to map that case anish: MikeE: would like some non-normative wordings to describe how this gap is handled anish: Anish: we require jaxb for primitive types, but say in the spec that SDO support is a MAY anish: ... we should make sure that SDO support is possible anish: Dave: targeting SDO 3.0, think the primitive mapping is the same but will check anish: MikeE: in the POJO CI spec, section 4.1, it only talks about JAXB mapping anish: ... does not allow other mappings anish: MikeE: where is it stated what the XML type is anish: Dave: section 8 of POJO CI spec anish: MikeE: can't see any statement about type compatibility between the XML and the java type anish: ... should be in the CT anish: ACTION: MikeE to raise a new issue against the POJO C&I spec, section 8, relating to XML mapping of property field anish: ACTION: MikeE to raise a new issue against the POJO C&I spec, section 8, relating to XML mapping of property field to say that default is JAXB, but others are allowed (in the general case) anish: Dave: will fix 4.1 section in POJO CI to allow other mappings anish: Topic: Updated version of the POJO TestCases document and artifacts anish: Latest discussion: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/200911/msg00055.html http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-j/download.php/35249/sca-j-pojo-ci-1.1-testcases-wd02.pdf http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-j/download.php/35248/sca-j-pojo-ci-1.1-testcases-wd02.odt anish: MikeE: the tests are complete, but fixing bugs anish: ... running against Tuscany anish: ... Tuscany guys have fixed most/all of the problems anish: Mark: we should consider having a public review anish: Dave: would like schedule discussion -- issues that we have open: 26 (Mark working on it), 54 (MikeE working on it), 127 (still in works), 128 (almost done), 179 and 192 anish: ... the other issues are related to spring/EE anish: ... we are close to a new CD for POJO and CAA anish: ... we should do CD first before test PR anish: MikeE: we can overlap 2nd PR with test PR anish: Dave: hoping to have just on test PR (if based on the new CD) anish: MikeE: bug fixes isn't major change anish: Dave: we have also changed the NS in assembly anish: Anish: what about EJB binding anish: Dave: just one anish: MikeE: we should do a reconciliation of spec/tests before PR to make sure that no spec changes affect the tests anish: Topic: issue 46 anish: Mark: the issue still exists, but our internal team has backed away from the approach they were proposing. Does any one else think that this is a problem?\ Mark Combellack: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-46 anish: Dave: don't have product requirements from our side. The Q is of completeness anish: Mark: was going to proposal CNA, but want to check what others thought anish: ... currently equals() is unspecified anish: MikeE: i think currently it is the default of Object. I.e., has to be the same instance anish: MikeE: i think we need a different method like isTargetEquals() anish: ... what about same target over different bindings anish: Mark: yes anish: Dave: can also limit it to a domain, which limits it to SCA binding anish: anish: what about bindings that have different intents (say reliable) anish: Mark: y, they would be different anish: Dave: would have to define what an end point is and what attributes are taken into account for that anish: ... fine with CNA anish: motion: m:mikeE s:dave close issue 46 with no action anish: motion approved w/o anish: Resolution: issue 46 closed with no action anish: Topic: annotations in spring anish: Anish: gone back and forth on this issue, currently leaning towards saying don't say anything and if there is demand we can add it later anish: ... will send an email anish: Meeting adjourned
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