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Subject: Raw chat log of 2010-09-13 telcon

anish: Agenda --

anish: 1. Roll call

2. Scribe appointment
Scribe list attached below

3. Agenda bashing

4. Meeting Minutes
Minutes of 2010-08-30 telcon

5. TC Administrivia

a. Recording issue status - 9 open, 4 new
b. LOA for Martin Chapman, sept 7-17 2010
c. Future calls?

6. Spec statuses

a. PR of CAA TestCases and TAs ends 2010-10-24
b. CAA, POJO and EJB binding: 
c. Spring C&I: 


2009-07-17-01: Mike to create an example of the componentType 
introspection (JAVA-5

2010-02-22-02: Mike to raise the necessary issue for @Remotable 
annotation on (Related to recent Assembly-218 discussions)

2010-04-12-01: Dave B to check availability of an appropriate runtime 
supporting the EJB Binding

2010-06-14-01: Anish to provide proposal for Issue JAVA-182 and prepare a CD

2010-08-16-01: Editors-Update inline schema to latest published Assembly 
Schema (need update of the name of the SCA core XSD file)

2010-08-30-01: Bryan to create formal proposal for JAVA-204

8. New Issues (requires 2/3)

a. JAVA-207
Problems with testcases JCA_8007, JCA_8011

b. JAVA-211
Problems with testcases JCA_10013 & JCA_9016

c. JAVA-212
Service name conflict between @Service and @WebService

d. JAVA-213
Remove impact of @WebFault on interface fault name.
(Proposal for 209 relies on proposal for this issue)

9. Issues with proposals

a. JAVA-204: Normative statement about @BindingType in POJO spec is not 
Proposal: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/201009/msg00010.html

b. JAVA-209: Test assertions and Test cases needed for JCA100023 through 
(dependency on 213)

10. Issues waiting for updated proposals (Spring/EJB/JEE)

a. JAVA-109: Property and reference names computed from SCA annotations 
in web modules not specified explicitly
Proposal in Jira
Waiting for updated proposal (Vamsi)

b. JAVA-182: SCA Spring C & I specs needs to refactor text under 
abstract and introduction
No proposal (Ram)

c. JAVA-174: Consider portlets in the SCA JEE specification

d. JAVA-91: Java EE Spec: Need to define the derivation of the name of a 
component contributed to the Domain by an application.composite file
Waiting for updated proposal (Mike)

e. JAVA-93: JEE Integration spec needs to define how effective CT is 
Waiting for updated proposal (Anish)

f. JAVA-108: RFC2119 Language is needed for the SCA-JEE Specification
Waiting for updated proposal

g. JAVA-88: Java EE Spec: The @archive attribute of the 
implementation.jee element needs fixing
No proposal
Plamen to check whether on his informal JEE issues list

11. Test Suite Discussion

POJO Test Assertions:

POJO Test Cases:

12. AOB
a. straggler role

Scribe list:
Derek Dougans: 0
Graham Charters: 5
Yang Lei IBM: 11
Plamen Pavlov: 3
Anish Karmarkar: 17
Ashok Malhotra: 20
Martin Chapman: 18
Mike Edwards: 20 (Last scribed: 2010-08-16)
Bryan Aupperle: 25 (Last scribed: 2010-08-23)
Dave Booz: 1 (Last scribed: 2010-08-30)

anish: quorum: 83%

anish: Scribe: Anish Karmarkar

anish: Topic: agenda bashing

anish: Agenda approved

anish: Topic: Approval of 2010-08-30 minutes


anish: Minutes approved

anish: Topic: future calls

anish: Mike: plenty of work to do

anish: ... spring, jee, testing

anish: Resolution: schedule weekly calls till we are done. Cancel calls 
if there are no agenda items.

anish: Topic: AI review

anish: AI 2010-08-30-01 is DONE everything else is PENDING

anish: Topic: New issue 207

anish: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-207

anish: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/201008/msg00036.html

anish: Mike: found this issue while testing with Tuscany

anish: Mike walks everyone thru the issue

anish: Dave: why do we have intents for test 8011

anish: Dave fine with it, this pattern is used in other places

anish: Mike: little awkward, but only way to get to work

anish: Mike moves, Dave seconds to open issue 207

anish: approved w/o

anish: Topic: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-211

anish: Mike: 2 tests that are incorrect. 10013 and 9016

anish: 10013 is flawed, does not test if the annotation is being 
introspected properly

anish: three problems with 9016:

anish: a) The properties validDomainURIString, invalidDomainURIString 
are used in a constructor before they are initialized
b) DomainURIs are not fixed and so need to be configurable - this 
requires the value of validDomainURIString to be settable by the SCA 
runtime owner
c) Currently, there is a reference in the Service1SCAClientImpl class 
that effectively refers to itself

anish: Mike moves, Dave seconds to open issue 211

anish: motion approved w/o

anish: Issue 211 is now open

anish: Topic: issue 212

anish: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-212

anish: Bryan: interesting problem with JAX-WS annotations

anish: ... rules conflict with both @Service and @WebServices 
annotations are present

anish: ... we either need to define a precedence or say that an error 
should be raised

anish: ... this spans both the JCAA and JCI specs

anish: Bryan moves, Mike seconds to open issue 212

anish: motion approved w/o

anish: Issue 212 is now open

anish: Topic: issue 213

anish: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-213

anish: Remove impact of @WebFault on interface fault name

anish: @WebFault annotation only impacts the name of the global element 
that contains the type info for the fault. It does not impact the name 
of the fault

anish: This affects both the JCAA and JCI spec

anish: Byran moves, Dave seconds to open 213

anish: motion approved w/o

anish: Issue 213 is now open

anish: Topic: issue 204

anish: Normative statement about @BindingType in POJO spec is not 
Proposal: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/201009/msg00010.html

anish: Bryan: three places 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.2.5 where there is an ed change

anish: ... main changes in 8.2.8

anish: Bryan walks through 8.2.8 and explains how the URLs affect intents

anish: Bryan: URL for JMS is missing, that needs to be added

anish: Mike: the 1st sentence in 8.2.8 says that by default it is soap 
1.1. If we make it an intent it is hard to change that.

anish: Bryan: 1st sentence talks about what would happen if the 
default is not acceptable

anish: Discussion about what default means, intent means and whether 
additional bindings can be added

anish: The intent is on the binding, so can add additional bindings that 
are non-soap 1.1

anish: Mike: what about the last two rows in table 8-1?

anish: Bryan: last row, there was a URI sent out in email

anish: ... 2nd last row, we don't have a URI for HTTP binding

anish: s/URI/intent/

Bryan Aupperle: The latest editors copy of the spec [1] lists
"http://www.w3.org/2010/soapjms/"; as the binding transport URI.

Bryan Aupperle: For any other URI the mapped intents are undefined.

anish: Bryan moves to resolve issue 204 with proposal at 
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/201009/msg00010.html with the 
following modification: 1) last row of the table add 
"http://www.w3.org/2010/soapjms/"; to the 1st column, 2) delete the 6th 
row of the table, 3) Add the following sentence above table 8-1: "For 
any other URI not listed in the table, the mapped intents are undefined."

anish: 6th row => row with HTTP binding

anish: Mike seconds

anish: Motion is approved w/o

anish: Issue 204 is resolved.

anish: Topic: Issue 213

anish: http://osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-213

anish: Proposal: Change the @WebFault content of table 11.2 of the CAA 
spec to remove the impact of the name attribute on the interface, 
removing normative statement JCA100027, and remove section 8.2.6 of the 
JCI spec

anish: Bryan moves to resolve issue 213 with proposal in JIRA, Dave seconds

anish: motion approved w/o

anish: Meeting adjourned

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