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Subject: Re: [sca-j-comment] TAB COmments on Test Assertions for SCA_J CommonAnnotations and APIs v1.1


Thanks for reviewing the document and your comments.

Your comments are filed as issues 217-221:


On 10/22/2010 5:40 PM, Jacques Durand wrote:
> comments from Jacques Durand (as a review assignment from the OASIS TAB) on:
> Test Assertions for SCA_J Common Annotations and APIs v1.1
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Comment 1] : weak design: Target is often not well identified, in
> several TAs.
> In some TAs, the Target is not exactly what the Predicate is talking about.
> For example: in several TAs about runtime behavior it is not clear that
> the target (what is being tested and expected to either pass or fail)
> should be an actual SCA runtime.
> Example: JCA-TA-2005
> Target = a Java class ("Java implementation class marked with "composite
> scope" and with "eager
> initialization")
> Predicate = a statement on a runtime behavior ("The Java implementation
> class instance is created and initialized")
> The real test Target here is the SCA runtime and its expected behavior,
> not the Java class.
> A rule of thumb is: the target is what should fail or pass a test based
> on this test assertion.
> Also the Predicate should refer to this Target as its main subject:
> Target = SCA runtime with a Java implementation class marked with
> "composite scope" and with "eager
> initialization".
> Predicate = the SCA runtime (Target) creates and initialize the Java
> implementation class instance.
> Or it is also OK to use a prerequisite and say:
> Target = SCA runtime.
> Prerequisite = the Java implementation class of the runtime is marked
> with "composite scope" and with "eager
> initialization".
> Predicate = the SCA runtime (Target) creates and initialize the Java
> implementation class instance.
> (The difference is that when using a Prerequisite, allows a test tool to
> tell you about those targets that do not
> meet the Prerequisite condition , in the test report).
> Same remark for JCA-TA-2006, JCA-TA-2007 and some others.
> A TA that is accurately stated is JCA-TA-2003 (target: Stateless scoped
> Java implementation instance" is clearly
> refering to an instance as opposed to a Class, so does the Predicate)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Comment 2] : (minor) Target is often too fine-grain, leading to
> convoluted references.
> Example: JCA-TA-3005
> Target = @remotable attribute on <interface.java/> element
> Prerequisite = Java interface class referenced by @interface attribute
> of interface.java
> element contains a @Remotable annotation
> Predicate = @remotable attribute has the value "true"
> Here, it is preferable to target the <interface.java/> element rather
> than its attribute,
> because then the Prerequisite can clearly refer to this target:
> Target = <interface.java/> element with a @remotable attribute.
> Prerequisite = Java interface class referenced by @interface attribute
> of interface.java element (the Target)
> contains a @Remotable annotation
> Predicate = @remotable attribute (of Target) has the value "true"
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Comment 3] : some spec requirements may need more than one TA.
> For some requiremetns such as JCA30005, two TAs could be written instead
> of one (say JCA-TA-3005a and JCA-TA-3005b) ,
> as this spec requirement is also about class consistency as well as
> about SCA runtime behavior:
> JCA-TA-3005a: renaming of current JCA-TA-3005.
> JCA-TA-3005b:
> Target = SCA runtime using a component with <interface.java/> element
> with a @remotable attribute of value "false".
> Prerequisite = Java interface class referenced by @interface attribute
> of interface.java element
> used by the Target contains a @Remotable annotation
> Predicate = The SCA runtime (target) raises an error
> [Comment 4] : Target should not be an "event", but an identifiable entity.
> Maybe that is just a typo, but the Target in some TAs reads like an "event":
> For example in JCA-TA-2009:
> Target = "Client invocation of a method of a service implementation"
> But what the specification is talking about in 2.3.4, is really an SCA
> runtime and its behavior:
> (Target should always be an entity that is subject to conformance to the
> specification,
> something that pass or fail a test - and not just an "event".)
> Target = SCA runtime that is invoking a method with input parameters of
> the remotable service
> Prerequisite =
> (a) Service method implementation marked "allows pass by reference"
> (b) Client reference proxy marked "allows pass by reference"
> (c) the client SCA runtime (Target) and remotable service implementation
> run in the same JVM
> Predicate = the client SCA runtime is using pass-by-reference call
> semantics for the inputs.
> Note above the narrowing on the *client* SCA runtime (not the invoked
> component),
> so the Predicate only talks about what depends on client behavior: input
> parameters.
> The statement in 2.3.4 apparently also applies to the remote component
> behavior,
> so another TA could be written here (JCA-TA-2009b)
> because thats not quite the same behavior that is tested
> (you could pass JCA-TA-2009a and fail JCA-TA-2009b):
> Target = SCA runtime that is being invoked by a client on a method with
> return value.
> Prerequisite =
> (a) Service method in the service implementation (or Target) marked
> "allows pass by reference"
> (b) Client reference proxy marked "allows pass by reference"
> (c) the client runtime and remotable service implementation run in the
> same JVM
> Predicate = the service SCA runtime is using pass-by-reference call
> semantics for the returned value.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Comment 5] : stronger use of "tags" might help classify TAs based on
> targets:
> Tags seem to be used exclusively as "keywords" in TAs. A suggestion is
> to use them also
> for categorizing the TA based on its target type, as this may help
> figure which TAs relate to which
> conformance target, when creating the test suite.
> So one could define general categories of "test targets", e.g.:
> - SCA_runtime_component
> - SCA_runtime_client
> - interface.java_element
> - etc.
> Then one may use a named tags in each TA, for this information:
> JCA-TA-2005:
> ...
> tag:target_category = "SCA_runtime_component"
> JCA-TA-3005:
> ...
> tag:target_category = "interface.java_element"

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