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Subject: Groups - SCA-J telcon modified
SCA-J telcon has been modified by Dr. Anish Karmarkar Date: Monday, 13 December 2010 Time: 08:00am - 09:00am PT Event Description: Press *6 to mute or un-mute individual line. Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/sca-j-TC Participant Code: 7421425 Country Access Type AT&T Direct Number Dial-In Number Comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Angola Toll-Free 808-000-011 888-426-6840 Argentina Toll-Free 0800-222-1512 Australia Caller Paid 0-2-80318490 Australia Toll-Free 1-800-85-4950 Austria Caller Paid 0-1-2530601 Austria Toll-Free 0800-07-0079 Belgium Caller Paid 0-2-8946410 Belgium Toll-Free 0800-3-9022 Brazil Toll-Free 0800-890-0288 888-426-6840 FROM BRAZIL Brazil Toll-Free 0-800-888-8288 888-426-6840 BRAZIL OTHER Bulgaria Toll-Free 00800-117-4514 Canada Toll-Free 888-426-6840 Cayman Islands Toll-Free 1-800-225-5288 888-426-6840 Chile Toll-Free 1230-020-0719 China Toll-Free 10-800-711-1071 CHINA NETCOM GROUP USERS China Toll-Free 10-800-110-0996 CHINA TELECOM SOUTH USERS Colombia Toll-Free 01-800-5-1-81588 Costa Rica Toll-Free 0-800-011-4114 888-426-6840 Croatia Toll-Free 0800-777-954 Czech Republic Caller Paid 2-39016353 Czech Republic Toll-Free 800-143-484 Denmark Caller Paid 32711870 Denmark Toll-Free 80-717000 Dominican Republic Toll-Free 1-888-426-6840 Ecuador Toll-Free 1-999-119 888-426-6840 Egypt Toll-Free 2510-0200 888-426-6840 FROM CAIRO Egypt Toll-Free 02-2510-0200 888-426-6840 OUTSIDE OF CAIRO Finland Caller Paid 0-9-72519565 Finland Toll-Free 0800-9-18357 France Caller Paid 0-170911580 France Toll-Free 0800-94-0558 Germany Caller Paid 0-69-2443-2290 Germany Toll-Free 0800-000-1018 Ghana Toll-Free 0191 888-426-6840 Greece Toll-Free 00-800-11-006-7783 Hong Kong Caller Paid 30713844 Hong Kong Toll-Free 800-90-5535 Hungary Caller Paid 0-1-7789195 Hungary Toll-Free 06-800-19-306 Iceland Toll-Free 800-9823 Indonesia Toll-Free 001-803-1-006-7783 Ireland Caller Paid 0-1-5264424 Ireland Toll-Free 1-800-943-427 Israel Toll-Free 1-809-417-783 Italy Caller Paid 0-2-00621263 Italy Toll-Free 800-975100 Japan Caller Paid 0-3-64042596 Japan Toll-Free 00531-11-0086 JAPAN KDD USERS Japan Toll-Free 0066-33-830321 JAPAN C&W USERS Japan Toll-Free 0034-800-900377 JAPAN NTT USERS Kazakhstan Toll-Free 8^800-121-4321 888-426-6840 Korea (south) Caller Paid 0-2-348-31399 Korea (south) Toll-Free 00798-1-1-006-7783 Latvia Toll-Free 8000-3906 Lithuania Toll-Free 8-800-31299 Luxembourg Caller Paid 24871280 Luxembourg Toll-Free 800-2-7910 Malaysia Caller Paid 03-6207-4471 Malaysia Toll-Free 1-800-81-5412 Mexico Toll-Free 001-888-426-6840 Monaco Toll-Free 800-93771 Morocco Toll-Free 00-211-0011 888-426-6840 Netherlands Caller Paid 0-20-7996800 Netherlands Toll-Free 0-800-363-6036 New Zealand Caller Paid 09-912-7548 New Zealand Toll-Free 0800-442905 Norway Caller Paid 23162149 Norway Toll-Free 800-16771 Panama Toll-Free 001-888-426-6840 Peru Toll-Free 0800-77-942 Philippines Toll-Free 1-800-1-111-0558 Poland Toll-Free 0-0-800-111-1929 Portugal Toll-Free 800-7-80880 Romania Toll-Free 0-800-896910 Russia Toll-Free 8^495-363-2400 888-426-6840 RUSSIA OTHER Russia Toll-Free 363-2400 888-426-6840 MOSCOW & ST PETERSBURG Russia Toll-Free 8^10-800-110-1011 888-426-6840 OR RUSSIA OTHER Singapore Caller Paid 66221594 Singapore Toll-Free 800-110-1842 Slovak Republic Toll-Free 0-800-000-101 888-426-6840 Slovenia Toll-Free 0800-80768 South Africa Toll-Free 0800-983-687 Spain Caller Paid 9-1-7878580 Spain Toll-Free 900-8-01334 Sweden Caller Paid 0-8-50515100 Sweden Toll-Free 0200-12-5807 Switzerland Caller Paid 0-43-2101240 Switzerland Toll-Free 0800-89-4800 Taiwan Caller Paid 0-2-77457238 Taiwan Toll-Free 00801-10-4334 Thailand Toll-Free 001-800-11-006-7783 Turkey Toll-Free 0811-288-0001 888-426-6840 United Arab Emirates Toll-Free 0-800-121 888-426-6840 United Arab Emirates Toll-Free 0-800-151 888-426-6840 U.S. MILITARY BASE United Kingdom Caller Paid 0-20-30596451 United Kingdom Toll-Free 0800-368-0638 Uruguay Toll-Free 000-411-006-7783 USA Caller Paid 215-861-6239 USA Toll-Free 888-426-6840 Uzbekistan Toll-Free 8^641-744-0010 888-426-6840 Venezuela Toll-Free 0800-102-9535 Vietnam Toll-Free 1-201-0288 888-426-6840 Agenda: 1. Roll call 2. Scribe appointment Scribe list attached below 3. Agenda bashing 4. Meeting Minutes Minutes of 2010-12-06 telcon http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/40513/SCA%20Java%20Minutes%202010-12-06.doc 5. TC Administrivia a. Recording issue status - 11 open, 0 new b. POJO TA/TCs PR ends 2010-12-23; CAA-spec/POJO-spec PR ended 2010-12-08 6. ACTION ITEMS 2010-11-15-02: Mike to follow up with Jacques on 217, 218, ,219, 220, and 221 PENDING 20101206-01: (Anish) Prepare an updated proposal for Issue 182 with extra example material and further editorial updates PENDING 20101206-02: (Mike) Post a comment to the list with a strawman proposal for Issue 224 PENDING 7. New Issues (requires 2/3) NONE 8. Issues with proposals NONE 9. Issues waiting for updated proposals (Spring/EJB/JEE) a. JAVA-182: SCA Spring C & I specs needs to refactor text under abstract and introduction http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-182 Awaiting an action from Anish b. JAVA-224 Support for JSR-330 - Dependency Injection for Java http://osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-224 Awaiting an action from Mike c. JAVA-217 Weak design: Target is often not well identified, in several TAs http://osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-217 d. JAVA-220 Target should not be an "event", but an identifiable entity http://osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-220 e. JAVA-221 Stronger use of "tags" might help classify TAs based on targets http://osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-221 f. JAVA-109: Property and reference names computed from SCA annotations in web modules not specified explicitly http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-109 Proposal in Jira Waiting for updated proposal (Vamsi) g. JAVA-174: Consider portlets in the SCA JEE specification http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-174 h. JAVA-91: Java EE Spec: Need to define the derivation of the name of a component contributed to the Domain by an application.composite file http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-91 Waiting for updated proposal (Mike) i. JAVA-93: JEE Integration spec needs to define how effective CT is calculated http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-93 Waiting for updated proposal (Anish) j. JAVA-108: RFC2119 Language is needed for the SCA-JEE Specification http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-108 Waiting for updated proposal k. JAVA-88: Java EE Spec: The @archive attribute of the implementation.jee element needs fixing http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/JAVA-88 No proposal Plamen to check whether on his informal JEE issues list 10. AOB a. straggler role 11. Spec status CAA (part of 1st batch of 1.1 specs): 2 new issue, 2nd PR ends 2010-12-08, CSD05 expected to be final CSD 1st impl: Tuscany (compliant), 2nd impl: ?? http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/201012/msg00000.htmlhttp://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-j/201012/msg00000.htmlTA: CD01 PR ended 2010-10-24, 0 open issue, CSD02 expected to be final CSD TC: CD01 PR ended 2010-10-24, 0 open issue, CSD02 expected to be final CSD POJO (part of 1st batch of 1.1 specs): 0 open issues, 2st PR ends 2010-12-08, CSD03 expected to be final CSD 1st impl: Tuscany (compliant), 2nd impl: ?? TA: CSD01 PR ends 2010-12-23 TC: CDS01 PR ends 2010-12-23 EJB Binding (not part of 1st batch of 1.1 specs): 0 open issues, 1st PR done, CSD03 expected to be final CSD 1st impl: ??, 2nd impl: ?? TA: WD stage, no CSD yet, 60 day PR needed TC: WD stage, no CSD yet, 60 day PR needed Spring C&I (not part of 1st batch of 1.1 specs): 1 open issues, WD stage, no CSD yet, 60 day PR needed 1st impl: ??, 2nd impl: ?? TA: no work done TC: no work done JEE (not part of 1st batch of 1.1 specs): 6 open issues, WD stage (not actively worked on), no CSD yet, 60 day PR needed 1st impl: ??, 2nd impl: ?? TA: no work done TC: no work done ----------------------------------------- Scribe list: Plamen Pavlov: 3 Anish Karmarkar: 18 (Last scribed: 2010-09-13) Martin Chapman: 20 (Last scribed: 2010-11-01) Dave Booz: 3 (Last scribed: 2010-11-08) Ashok Malhotra: 21 (Last scribed: 2010-11-15) Bryan Aupperle: 28 (Last scribed: 2010-11-29) Mike Edwards: 23 (Last scribed: 2010-12-06) Minutes: This event is one in a list of recurring events. Other event dates in this series: Monday, 20 September 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 27 September 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 04 October 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 11 October 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 18 October 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 25 October 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 01 November 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 08 November 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 15 November 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 22 November 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 29 November 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 06 December 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 20 December 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Monday, 27 December 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT View event details: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-j/event.php?event_id=28406 PLEASE NOTE: If the above link does not work for you, your email application may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:MEETING STATUS:TENTATIVE DTSTAMP:20101213T000000Z DTSTART:20101213T160000Z DTEND:20101213T170000Z SEQUENCE:15 SUMMARY:SCA-J telcon DESCRIPTION:Press *6 to mute or un-mute individual line.\n\nChat room:\nhttp://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/sca-j-TC\n\nParticipant Code: 7421425 \nCountry Access Type AT&T Direct Number Dial-In Number Comment\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nAngola Toll-Free 808-000-011 888-426-6840 \nArgentina Toll-Free 0800-222-1512 \nAustralia Caller Paid 0-2-80318490 \nAustralia Toll-Free 1-800-85-4950 \nAustria Caller Paid 0-1-2530601 \nAustria Toll-Free 0800-07-0079 \nBelgium Caller Paid 0-2-8946410 \nBelgium Toll-Free 0800-3-9022 \nBrazil Toll-Free 0800-890-0288 888-426-6840 FROM BRAZIL\nBrazil Toll-Free 0-800-888-8288 888-426-6840 BRAZIL OTHER\nBulgaria Toll-Free 00800-117-4514 \nCanada Toll-Free 888-426-6840 \nCayman Islands Toll-Free 1-800-225-5288 888-426-6840 \nChile Toll-Free 1230-020-0719 \nChina Toll-Free 10-800-711-1071 CHINA NETCOM GROUP USERS\nChina Toll-Free 10-800-110-0996 CHINA TELECOM SOUTH USERS\nColombia Toll-Free 01-800-5-1-81588 \nCosta Rica Toll-Free 0-800-011-4114 888-426-6840 \nCroatia Toll-Free 0800-777-954 \nCzech Republic Caller Paid 2-39016353 \nCzech Republic Toll-Free 800-143-484 \nDenmark Caller Paid 32711870 \nDenmark Toll-Free 80-717000 \nDominican Republic Toll-Free 1-888-426-6840 \nEcuador Toll-Free 1-999-119 888-426-6840 \nEgypt Toll-Free 2510-0200 888-426-6840 FROM CAIRO\nEgypt Toll-Free 02-2510-0200 888-426-6840 OUTSIDE OF CAIRO\nFinland Caller Paid 0-9-72519565 \nFinland Toll-Free 0800-9-18357 \nFrance Caller Paid 0-170911580 \nFrance Toll-Free 0800-94-0558 \nGermany Caller Paid 0-69-2443-2290 \nGermany Toll-Free 0800-000-1018 \nGhana Toll-Free 0191 888-426-6840 \nGreece Toll-Free 00-800-11-006-7783 \nHong Kong Caller Paid 30713844 \nHong Kong Toll-Free 800-90-5535 \nHungary Caller Paid 0-1-7789195 \nHungary Toll-Free 06-800-19-306 \nIceland Toll-Free 800-9823 \nIndonesia Toll-Free 001-803-1-006-7783 \nIreland Caller Paid 0-1-5264424 \nIreland Toll-Free 1-800-943-427 \nIsrael Toll-Free 1-809-417-783 \nItaly Caller Paid 0-2-00621263 \nItaly Toll-Free 800-975100 \nJapan Caller Paid 0-3-64042596 \nJapan Toll-Free 00531-11-0086 JAPAN KDD USERS\nJapan Toll-Free 0066-33-830321 JAPAN C&W USERS\nJapan Toll-Free 0034-800-900377 JAPAN NTT USERS\nKazakhstan Toll-Free 8^800-121-4321 888-426-6840 \nKorea (south) Caller Paid 0-2-348-31399 \nKorea (south) Toll-Free 00798-1-1-006-7783 \nLatvia Toll-Free 8000-3906 \nLithuania Toll-Free 8-800-31299 \nLuxembourg Caller Paid 24871280 \nLuxembourg Toll-Free 800-2-7910 \nMalaysia Caller Paid 03-6207-4471 \nMalaysia Toll-Free 1-800-81-5412 \nMexico Toll-Free 001-888-426-6840 \nMonaco Toll-Free 800-93771 \nMorocco Toll-Free 00-211-0011 888-426-6840 \nNetherlands Caller Paid 0-20-7996800 \nNetherlands Toll-Free 0-800-363-6036 \nNew Zealand Caller Paid 09-912-7548 \nNew Zealand Toll-Free 0800-442905 \nNorway Caller Paid 23162149 \nNorway Toll-Free 800-16771 \nPanama Toll-Free 001-888-426-6840 \nPeru Toll-Free 0800-77-942 \nPhilippines Toll-Free 1-800-1-111-0558 \nPoland Toll-Free 0-0-800-111-1929 \nPortugal Toll-Free 800-7-80880 \nRomania Toll-Free 0-800-896910 \nRussia Toll-Free 8^495-363-2400 888-426-6840 RUSSIA OTHER\nRussia Toll-Free 363-2400 888-426-6840 MOSCOW & ST PETERSBURG\nRussia Toll-Free 8^10-800-110-1011 888-426-6840 OR RUSSIA OTHER\nSingapore Caller Paid 66221594 \nSingapore Toll-Free 800-110-1842 \nSlovak Republic Toll-Free 0-800-000-101 888-426-6840 \nSlovenia Toll-Free 0800-80768 \nSouth Africa Toll-Free 0800-983-687 \nSpain Caller Paid 9-1-7878580 \nSpain Toll-Free 900-8-01334 \nSweden Caller Paid 0-8-50515100 \nSweden Toll-Free 0200-12-5807 \nSwitzerland Caller Paid 0-43-2101240 \nSwitzerland Toll-Free 0800-89-4800 \nTaiwan Caller Paid 0-2-77457238 \nTaiwan Toll-Free 00801-10-4334 \nThailand Toll-Free 001-800-11-006-7783 \nTurkey Toll-Free 0811-288-0001 888-426-6840 \nUnited Arab Emirates Toll-Free 0-800-121 888-426-6840 \nUnited Arab Emirates Toll-Free 0-800-151 888-426-6840 U.S. MILITARY BASE\nUnited Kingdom Caller Paid 0-20-30596451 \nUnited Kingdom Toll-Free 0800-368-0638 \nUruguay Toll-Free 000-411-006-7783 \nUSA Caller Paid 215-861-6239 \nUSA Toll-Free 888-426-6840 \nUzbekistan Toll-Free 8^641-744-0010 888-426-6840 \nVenezuela Toll-Free 0800-102-9535 \nVietnam Toll-Free 1-201-0288 888-426-6840\n\nGroup: OASIS Service Component Architecture / J (SCA-J) TC\nCreator: Dr. Anish Karmarkar URL:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-j/event.php?event_id=28406 UID:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-j/event.php?event_id=28406 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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