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Subject: Raw minutes of TC meeting

Title: Raw minutes of TC meeting

Ron: Todays Agenda:
Ron: I. Intro
a. Roll Call
b. Assignment/ Confirmation of Scribe
c. Agenda Bashing
d. Approval of last week's minutes.
Last week: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sdo/download.php/28710/SDO%20TC%20Meeting%20minutes%20-%20July%201%2C%202008.txt

The week before: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sdo/download.php/28739/SDO%20TC%20Meeting%20Minutes%20-%20June%2024%2C%202008.doc

II - ISSUE 125: Keys
Latest email: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sdo/email/archives/200806/msg00033.html

I'd like to get a sense for where we stand on this issue. Who would vote against the proposed resolution, and why?

III - ISSUE 130: New DataObject method: cast()
JIRA: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/SDO-130
email 1: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sdo/email/archives/200807/msg00013.html
email 2: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sdo/email/archives/200807/msg00011.html
anonymous morphed into Stefan Buennig
Frank Budinsky: Frank is scribe
anonymous morphed into Radu Preotiuc
Frank Budinsky: agenda agreed - keys followed by DataObject.cast()/POJO/JAXB integration
Frank Budinsky: last week's minutes are approved
Frank Budinsky: and the weeks before minutes are also approved
Frank Budinsky: agreed to separate from issue 125 the relationship to the project() method. Issue 125 will include adding key metadata (including multi-part keys), how it affects serialization, etc.

Frank Budinsky: Ron has TODO to update the issue to clearly send out the updated 125 proposal. We will vote to resolve it next week.

Frank Budinsky: The affect of keys to project() will be then be discussed separately
Frank Budinsky: Initial key proposal will also not affect ChangeSummary
Frank Budinsky: SDO-130 is really a higher lever convenience API proposal that is related to the DataObject/POJO integration issue, but a separate issue

Frank Budinsky: Ron will update SDO-130 to reflect its actual intent: support multiple views with a single API
Frank Budinsky: And will open a new issue to talk about the POJO/JAXB/JPA integration which we will discuss first
Frank Budinsky: The issue is whether to use HelperContext.project() or POJOHelper/POJOBinder approach

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