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Subject: ISSUE 164: Questions to Java Spec

Hi Everyone,
I've started work on the Java spec, and have a could of comments/ questions, that I'd like to address before proceeding.   The questions are mostly directed at Bryan, who did the great work splitting the 2.1.1 spec, so that we have a Java spec in any form at all…
Section 2 (JavaAPI), introduction…  This section basically repeats the wording in chapter 4 of the core spec.  I think we should remove the redundant wording and focus only on the differences to the core spec (eg, the need to integrate with other frameworks, the introduction of JavaHelper, the use of reflection).
Section 2.1, and on-words…I have the impression that Brian thought that the SDO type integer maps to java.lang.Integer and not to BigInteger, and therefore there is a discussion of wrapper types and some special wording relating to BigInteger and BigDecimal.  Actually, though, wrapper types don't appear in the DataObject interface (as they would be redundent, thanks to autoboxing), and the methods getBigInteger, getBigDecimal map perfectly to the get<T> pattern described in the core spec, and IMO do not require any special discussion.
I would also like to move the discussion of default values for primitive types to the Java spec.
Here is my proposed text for the beginning of Chapter 2.
I'd like some feedback from the group as to whether we are OK with this approach
1       Java API
The SDO 3.0 Java API requires a minimum Java Development Kit, version 1.5.0 or higher.
The SDO programming model, as defined in the core SDO specification [SDO] is implemented in Java as a set of interfaces.  These interfaces implement the functionality of the core SDO specification, along with some extensions specific to the Java environment.
Among the extensions that SDO’s Java API provides beyond the SDO Core Specification is the JavaHelper interface.  Additional methods have been added to some other helpers, notably XMLHelper, which are intended to enable integration with existing frameworks.  Another notable extension that the SDO 3.0 Java API provides provides beyond the SDO core is the ability to derive SDO types and properties by introspecting Java classes.
The remainder of this section describes the implementation of the SDO programming model in Java, including any extensions, optimizations, and specializations.  For details of the interfaces, refer to the core SDO specification.
1.1     DataObject
The DataObject interface in Java contains type specific accessors (get<T> and set<T> methods) for each of the standard DataTypes listed in Chapter 11 of the Core Specification [SDO]. The table in section 6.1: SDO Data Types defines the mapping between standard Java types and the SDO types defined in the core SDO specification [SDO].   Note that Java’s autoboxing feature also allows the Java object representation (e.g., java.lang.Integer) to be used where the API calls for a primitive value (e.g., int).
1.1.1   Type Conversion
The set of standard converstions implicit in the various get<T> and set<T> methods is implied by the table in Chapter 11 of the core specification.  In addition to the behavior defined in the core specification, the following rules apply specifically for type conversions in Java.
When get(property) is called on an unset property for which the default value is null (there is no default value) and the instanceClass of the property is a Java object, a Java Implemenation of SDO MUST return null.  [JAV02010101]  When the instanceClass is a primitive Java type (e.g., int, boolean, float), then a Java Implementation of SDO MUST return the corresponding default value: [JAV02010102]
This value is also used as a starting point if a conversion is necessary (for example in the case of get<T> methods).
When a get<T>() method is invoked on a many-valued property and <T> is not <List>, then if the property’s value is a List of length 1, a Java Implementation of SDO MUST return the item in the list converted, if necessary, to the target type. [JAV02010102]  If the property’s value is an empty list and the target type is not a primitive type, then a Java Implementation of SDO MUST return null.  If the list is empty an the target type is primitive, then a Java implementation of SDO MUST return the same value as for an unset property, as described above [JAV02010103]
When a set<T> method is invoked on a many-valued property and <T> is not <List>, a Java Implementation of SDO MUST set the the property to a List of length 1 where the single element is the (possibly converted) parameter value [JAV02010104].
Note that when calling the primitive DataObject.set() methods, no automatic conversion is performed. In this case, type conversion can be explicitly performed by calling DataHelper.convert() before calling the set() method. For example:
dataObject.set(property, dataHelper.convert(property, value));

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