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Subject: RE: [search-ws] Result size precision

I'm happy with that message.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress [mailto:rden@loc.gov] 
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 4:43 PM
To: search-ws@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [search-ws] Result size precision 

For discussion at Monday's call.

This is a draft note that I propose to post to the SRU list.  --Ray

Based on discussion the past several years over the topic of result size
precision, the OASIS Search Web Service Technical Committee proposes to
define in SRU 2.0 an optional response element <resultSizePrecision>
whose definition would be something like:
"A non-negative integer from zero to 100. '0' means the server has no
idea what the size of the result set is. '100' means that the server
guarantees that the value of result count is accurate. A value in
between is the servers estimate of the precision of the result count."

This, the response side, seems pretty straightforward (though comments
are welcome).

But at the other end of the issue is the client side.  Should the client
indicate that it does or does not care about result size precision? It
might want 10 records, any 10, and beyond that it doesn't care if there
are 10 or 10 billion, and it does not want the client to bother to even
try to determine or estimate the result size, as that may be an
expensive process.

The TC is inclined not to address the client end, unless someone can
cite a real requirement (not just  "it seems useful"). So we are
feedback on this question from SRU implementors.   Can someone assert
if a request parameter were to be defined pertaining to result size
precision,  you would implement it?

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