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Subject: RE: [security-jc] SSJC Meeting Agenda


	I think Karl would be a better choice to talk about the WS
Security Seminar. I have done my work by proposing an agenda and
soliciting input. I still have couple of inputs from the chairs of the
different TCs which need to be resolved with the agenda. Karl knows more
about the organization, logistics et al.


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Phil Griffin [mailto:phil.griffin@asn-1.com] 
|  Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 8:14 AM
|  To: Security Joint Committee
|  Subject: [security-jc] SSJC Meeting Agenda
|  Here's the proposed agenda for the noon mMeeting.
|  Phil
|  Dial-in Number: 888-742-8686
|  Conference ID: 5250215
|  1. Call meeting to order - Noon
|  2. Introductions
|  3. Appoint secretary to take meeting minutes
|  4. Agree to last meeting minutes at
|      http://oasis-open.org/committees/
|      security-jc/minutes/minutes6-26-2002.html
|      - Action items update
|  5. Approve proposed agenda (amended?)
|  6. Agree on our name - SJC or SSJC.
|  7. Discuss SJC meeting schedule:
|      - Next three meeting dates, time, host rotation.
|  8. Discussion of upcoming WS security conference
|      (Krishna)
|  9. Discuss SJC purpose and charter:
|       - Proposal items from SJC Vice Chair Darran Rolls
|  10. Other items
|  11. Adjourn 1 pm
|  ----------------------------------------------------------------
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