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Subject: RE: [security-jc] Security JC Charter - with Joe's edits

Title: RE: [security-jc] Security JC Charter - with Joe's edits


I agree that "ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6/WG 7 and ITU-T SG 17" may be the formal name, but almost nobody knows them as such.  Informally and colloquially, they are almost universally referred to "the X.509 group", which is why I suggested "X.509".  (Note that this is different from the "Directory group", which is X.500.  True, X.509 is a subset, but most people rightly see these as quite separate activities.)

As I said, I have no problem with adding X9 to the list.  I just don't think it should be a replacement for X.509.


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