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Subject: RE: [security-jc] [Fwd: [xcbf] Meeting]

Sorry, I will be unable to attend today - I'm in a meeting in the UK and
can't get to a phone

- joe

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Griffin [mailto:phil.griffin@asn-1.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 12:10 AM
To: Security Joint Committee
Subject: [security-jc] [Fwd: [xcbf] Meeting]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [xcbf] Meeting
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 23:33:14 -0400
From: Phil Griffin <phil.griffin@asn-1.com>
Organization: Griffin Consulting - http://ASN-1.com
To: xcbf <xcbf@lists.oasis-open.org>

Proposed Agenda for Thursday October 3, 2002 SJC Meeting

Dial-in Number: 888-742-8686
Conference ID: 5250215

Call sponsor - Waveset Technologies

1. Call meeting to order

2. Introductions

3. Ask Darran to please take meeting minutes

4. Approve proposed agenda

5. TC Process changes.
    The OASIS Board has just approved a revision to the
    OASIS TC Process.

6. OASIS liaison with ISO TC68/SC2.

7. SJC Resolutions - proposed initial text; display
    on the web page; process of capture in email and

    Change links to actual text:

    The SJC will foster and maintain respect among OASIS security TCs
    and for them in the security community at large. The SJC will
    maintain a vendor neutral and vendor agnostic view in its support
    for diverse security technologies.

    The SJC will promote public safeguards and believes that security
    technologies should be used solely for legal, ethical, and
    nondiscriminatory purposes. The joint committee is committed to
    the highest standards of systems integrity and data security in
    order to deter identity theft, protect personal privacy, and
    ensure equal rights in all security applications.

8. Voting results on proposed SJC charter

9. Pending outcome of (6), discuss proposed invitation
    to TCs to send representatives to SJC and related
    process issues:

    - Process for a security TC becoming a member
    - Classes of membership; voting and observer
    - Leaving the SJC

    Here's a draft invitation that could be sent to the
    chairs of other OASIS TCs to invite them to join the
    SJC proposed earlier by Karl:

    OASIS TC Chairs:

    The OASIS Security Joint Committee (SJC) was formed last
    spring for the purpose of coordinating the technical
    activities of the various security-related TCs at OASIS.
    The TCs who are currently members of the JC are:
       - OASIS Access Control (XACML) TC
       - OASIS Commmon Biometric Format (XCBF) TC
       - OASIS Provisioning Services TC
       - OASIS Rights Language TC
       - OASIS Security Services (SAML) TC

    The intent of the SJC has been to invite other OASIS TCs
    whose work is related to security to join the SJC once the
    SJC gets organized; we now feel that we are ready to extend
    this invitation.

    In accordance with the OASIS TC Process, any OASIS TC who
    would like to join the SJC may do so by selecting members of
    the TC to form a liaison subcommittee of the TC, who will then
    represent the TC in the SJC. The TC chair should notify me,
    the SJC chair, of the names of the people who will represent
    the TC. I will then issue an invitation to those people to
    attend the next SJC meeting.

    Feel free to contact me for more information about the SJC,
    or see our web page at

    (signed and sent by Phil as the SJC chair)

10. TAB meeting update

    - Results of invitation to OASIS TAB for a liaison to SJC
    - Relay context of the meeting with respect to coordination
      or coordination by the SJC (Darran Rolls)

11. FAQ Update

12. Other business

13. Adjourn

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