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Subject: [security-jc] [Fwd: RE: [wss] automated online polling/voting tool]

Check this out. As I read this just now it occured to me that
OASIS holds votes on line for approval of standards. Is it
possible that there is a facillity already in place that can be
used by TCs to solve TC level balloting problems?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [wss] automated online polling/voting tool
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 19:06:29 -0500
From: "Philpott, Robert" <rphilpott@rsasecurity.com>
To: "'Jeff.Hodges@sun.com'" <Jeff.Hodges@sun.com>, OASIS wsstc <wss@lists.oasis-open.org>

A few additional points...


1.    I believe that each individual must register with evite.com in order to respond. Hopefully, malicious impersonation would not be a problem.

2.    If folks don't want to register with evite, the online poll could be supplemented by responses to the dist list.

3.    For close and important evite votes, someone might need to correlate the respondents with the TC voting membership.  It's probably not that hard to do, but could become tedious.


Rob Philpott

RSA Security Inc.

The Most Trusted Name in e-Security

Tel: 781-515-7115

Mobile: 617-510-0893

Fax: 781-515-7020




-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Hodges [mailto:Jeff.Hodges@sun.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:51 AM
To: OASIS wsstc
Subject: [wss] automated online polling/voting tool


We found in the SSTC that using an automated online polling/voting tool was

immensely useful for coordinating events. It freed up concall time and

increased efficiency.


The tool we used was http://www.evite.com/.


Here's one of our polls...






The nominal methodology we used to, eg, schedule a face-to-face was..


1. issue an evite poll on which dates to have the f2f. eg include several

combinations of weeks & days in the poll.



2. issue an evite poll for who will attend the f2f


An added bennefit was that it kept voting-message-storms off of the sstc list.



We also used evite to pick the name for what we were working on. I.e. we

decided on "SAML" from the various alternatives via evite.



There may be alternatives to evite. A quick google search turns up this one..




..and it may well be a reasonable alternative.



In any case, I can attest having personally coordinated a few F2Fs that it is

~very much~ a win to use a tool such as evite.


Also, AFAIK, no one complained about any marked increase in spam as a result of

using this service.


hope this helps,





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