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Subject: RE: [security-jc] SJC F2F Purpose and format

All:  Sorry I was unable to be on this call this morning.  I had planned to
communicate some progress on the PKI TC and proposed TC meeting.
I want to offer to the rest of the security JC that we have obtained an
excellent facility offered to us by Computer Associates at their headquarter
in New Jersey.   We have a large auditorium which can house 170+ plus
several mid size conference room available for our use.  The PKI TC is
planning to meet on 3/18 to 3/20.  If other TC are interested in join
meeting, please contact me to discuss.   There are several near by hotels
which we are in the process of checking availability.
 --Original Message-----
From: Darran Rolls [mailto:Darran.Rolls@waveset.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 11:08 AM
To: security-jc@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [security-jc] SJC F2F Purpose and format

Phil / Karl


I'd like to clarify the intent and purpose of the proposed SJC F2F.  We
discussed this on today's call and I took an action item to seek a better
understanding or statement of purpose.  There was discussion today that if
the purpose was information exchange on TC scope and progress, this could
possibly be better achieved through either a regular rotating 15 minute "TC
update" slot as part of the regular bi-weekly call OR that we could
introduce a more informal call schedule for this outside the regular




Darran Rolls  
MSIM  drolls_waveset@hotmail.com 
AIM    drollswaveset 
YIM    drolls_waveset
 <htp://www.waveset.com> http://www.waveset.com/ 
 <mailto:drolls@waveset.com> drolls@waveset.com 


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