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Subject: RE: [security-jc] TAB concerns about Security JC charter


	We are drafting a reply as we speak. There are some very good
points raised and let us see if we all together can find solutions. I
think after we resolve these concepts and internalize them to the OASIS
we would have a stronger organization - technically and process-wise.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Darran Rolls [mailto:Darran.Rolls@waveset.com] 
> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 9:33 AM
> To: karl.best@oasis-open.org; security-jc@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: RE: [security-jc] TAB concerns about Security JC charter
> Karl
> In your absence, we discussed this issue at this weeks SJC meeting [1]
> and have tabled your agenda item for the next committee meeting
> (1-9-2002).  In the mean time, can you (or Krishna) elaborate on this
> decision relative to the charter of the SJC and the following 
> (personal)
> observations/comments:
> 1.  The TAB decision means that the SJC will have to re-write it's
> charter; a charter put in place with the full support of the SJC
> members, TAB and board.  Not a big issue but something we will have to
> address quite quickly.
> 2.  Based on the common understanding (and extensive clear statement
> within the charter) that the SJC has no control or official "power" to
> implement/impose its "works and findings", how is our current charter
> and its stated intentions anything more than "coordination" and
> "cooperation", the intended purpose of the JC process.
> 3.  If this decision by the TAB is simply a desire to promote the type
> of organizational structure that is the "trademark" or the OASIS
> approach, it has my full support.  I fully understand and 
> appreciate the
> delicate balance between autonomy and autocracy that we 
> tread.  I would
> however like to seek your (and the TAB's) advise on how, within that
> balance/framework, we can work to promote the consistency, reuse and
> interaction that is fundamental to an end-to-end workable set of
> standards. I know that OASIS does not propose to deliver an 
> "end-to-end
> set" of standards, but on the other hand a set of uncoordinated,
> overlapping standards is not such a good thing either.
> 4.  Assuming that interested SJC members decided to take on 
> the current
> charter "deliverables" as a separate TC effort, would this be 
> something
> that the TAB would take an active role in and offer what would be
> unofficial "credibility" to the effort? 
> Some interesting thought and debate for the holidays ;-)  Have a good
> one.  
> [1]
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/security-jc/minutes/minut
> es12-12-20
> 02.html#agenda5
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Darran Rolls                      http://www.waveset.com
> Waveset Technologies Inc          drolls@waveset.com 
> (512) 657 8360                    
> --------------------------------------------------------
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Karl Best [mailto:karl.best@oasis-open.org]
> > Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 9:52 AM
> > To: security-jc@lists.oasis-open.org
> > Subject: [security-jc] TAB concerns about Security JC charter
> > 
> > Security JC:
> > 
> > At the OASIS TAB meeting today we discussed, among other things, the
> > Security JC scope and charter. It was pointed out that the OASIS TC
> > Process makes no provision for a JC having a charter beyond simply
> > coordinating the activities of the TCs, and additionally that the
> > Process says that a JC will have no deliverables.
> > 
> > So while the TAB thinks that the JC has identified some valuable
> topics
> > to pursue (security common glossary, architecture model, etc.) and
> that
> > this work is important and needs to be done, the TAB feels 
> that the JC
> > is the wrong place to be doing this work.
> > 
> > The TAB suggests that interested members of the JC form a TC to do
> this
> > work and that the JC restrict itself to providing a forum for the
> > various TCs to communicate and coordinate their activities with each
> > other.
> > 
> > Krishna and I would be happy to further explain the TAB's 
> feelings on
> > this at the next JC meeting.
> > 
> > 
> > -Karl
> > 
> > =================================================================
> > Karl F. Best
> > Vice President, OASIS
> > +1 978.667.5115 x206
> > karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org
> > 
> > 
> > 
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