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Subject: Re: [security-jc] submission of OASIS work to ITU-T


I will place this on the agenda for the next meeting. We should also 
discuss the
MoU Annex A and how we could craft a proposed update to the annex that
makes clear perhaps that web services security is the responsibility of 
This effort currently involves the efforts of several SJC members.


Karl Best wrote:

> Security JC:
> FYI - I have been approached recently by a representative from the 
> ITU-T central secretariat, Richard Hill, who expressed interest in 
> having OASIS submit some of our completed work for approval under the 
> ITU-T process. OASIS was earlier in the year granted A.4 and A.5 
> recognition by ITU-T, and they would like to see us take advantage of 
> that recognition by submitting some of our work. (This is similar to 
> what we are doing with the ebXML specs: submitting them to ISO for 
> approval under their process.)
> ITU-T is particularly interested in our security work, as that is a 
> topic that they work on quite a bit. I suggested that perhaps we could 
> submit the SAML, recently approved as an OASIS Standard, and XACML, 
> which we hope will also be approved soon. Richard thought that this 
> would be a good plan, and he and I will discuss how best to do this 
> under the ITU-T process while still allowing OASIS ownership of the 
> work and retaining the right of the OASIS TCs to do further work on 
> the specs.
> -Karl
> =================================================================
> Karl F. Best
> Vice President, OASIS
> +1 978.667.5115 x206
> karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org
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