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Subject: [security-services] Doc editors - please send your docs to the list by5:00pm PST tomorrow Wed 9-Jan-2001!

Doc editors - please send your docs to the list by 5:00pm PST tomorrow Wed

The documents we're expecting to be submitted by tomorrow are..


The version numbers are our expectations based on today's meeting and the
discussions on the list. Please let us know if that's incorrect. 

Docs ready..


Our assessment of the SSTC concall results today was that we're on-track for
achieving this goal. Thanks to all for their efforts/contributions!

Once the docs are submitted, I'll update the doc repository and web page. Our
job then will be to review the documents, work through the open issues, and
update the documents if necessary, with the goal of entering Last Call on Fri

Again, the process and schedule we're working towards is here..

  updated -- proposed schedule. plus"committee last call" process 

thanks again to all,

JeffH & Joe

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