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Subject: [security-services] NOTE!! Re: [security-editors] O-S-D Published:SAML 1.0 Specification Set(10-Jan-2002)
Here's some important points I neglected in the original announcement message (mea culpa). EVERYONE PLEASE READ THE BELOW POINTS CAREFULLY... P1. I made some nominal editorial mods to all the documents (published in the doc repository) -- on their first pages and in their page footers -- such that they all have consistent Maturity Levels, "send comments to", dates, and correct doc identifiers (file names) listed. Apologies for any confusion this may cause down the road (hopefully this will only be minor or none). P2. Thus line numbers in documents published in the doc repository HAVE CHANGED relative to the document versions originally submitted to the list. P3. Thus reviewers SHOULD retrieve the document versions published in the document repository for reviewing purposes. Direct links to these doc versions are here.. http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/security/#documents P4. Thus document editors MUST retrieve document versions published in the document repository for use as a basis for creating yet newer document versions. Please don't use the old version you have cached locally. THANKS, JeffH
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