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Subject: Re: [security-services] Issues Status

Title: Issues Status
Hal, I agree with your resolutions on my issues, which is 'defer'
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 1:12 PM
Subject: [security-services] Issues Status

Here is the current status report.

Irving, Prateek, Eve, Phill, Polar, RL Bob, Scott,Simon and Rob you are listed as Champions for issues. Please confirm that you agree with my assessment of the status.

Document Authors look at the Red items and see if you need to make a change to close the issue.

Ones I think are about to fall thru the cracks:

I don't think the Empty Strings issue has been resolved or did I miss that?

I think the spec should say that no attributes in an attribute query means "all the attributes you are entitled to see."  If this is not acceptable, I think it should at least say "the intended meaning is that all attributes available by policy should be returned. An implementation may not interpret this request as asking for no attributes."

We still do not have a "Bearer" Subject Confirmation method, even though the bindings spec says there is one.


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