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Subject: RE: [security-services] Reminder: SSTC teleconference today


	I think we should complete the work an issue as a note. Once the
ws-security work progresses to a point, the JC can decide the
ratification. I think it is the work of SAML group to detail it. The
reason being, WS-Security would have a generic token mechanism and SAML
would develop how SAML assertions would fit in. 


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Mishra, Prateek [mailto:pmishra@netegrity.com] 
|  Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 6:57 AM
|  To: 'PATO,JOE (HP-PaloAlto,ex1) '; ''oasis sstc' '
|  Subject: RE: [security-services] Reminder: SSTC teleconference today
|  Joe,
|  I may be a few minutes late to the call this PM. 
|  I would propose
|  as one agenda item the relationship
|  between the WS-Security SAML profile and WS-Security
|  effort. Will we "submit" this as a draft at the first
|  WS-Security meeting? Do we need a vote? Are we going to
|  officially freeze development after that point? We need
|  some sort of plan especially as WS-Security promises to
|  be a much larger group with many non-SAMLites.
|  - prateek
|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: PATO,JOE (HP-PaloAlto,ex1)
|  To: 'oasis sstc'
|  Sent: 8/6/2002 6:59 AM
|  Subject: [security-services] Reminder: SSTC teleconference today
|  Reminder, we will be holding the biweekly OASIS SSTC Teleconference
|  today at
|  noon EDT.
|  Phone: +1 334 262 0740 ID=856956
|  Agenda to be discussed at the beginning of the meeting.
|  Joe Pato                                HP Labs Cambridge
|  Principal Scientist                     1 Main Street, 10th Floor
|  Trust, Security & Privacy               Cambridge, MA   02142
|  Trusted Systems Lab - HP Labs           Phone: (617) 679-9376
|  <http://www.hpl.hp.com>                 Fax 1: (617) 679-9330
|  <http://www.hp.com/security>            Fax 2: (781) 674-0142 
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