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Subject: FW: [chairs] OASIS member database upgrade succesful


Rob Philpott
Senior Consulting Engineer 
RSA Security Inc. 
Tel: 781-515-7115 
Mobile: 617-510-0893 
Fax: 781-515-7020 

-----Original Message-----
From: James Bryce Clark [mailto:jamie.clark@oasis-open.org] 
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 10:32 AM
To: chairs@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org; scott.mcgrath@oasis-open.org
Subject: [chairs] OASIS member database upgrade succesful

To our TC Chairs:

     We installed the latest upgrades to the OASIS member database
Kavi software slightly after 6:00 am Eastern time on Tuesday.  OASIS
tested the upgrades prior to installation and have installed them
any interruption or change to existing data.

     You will see several cosmetic and convenience changes, such as an 
increased use of sort-able, tabular information, and a drop-down
box near the top of many pages.  However, all the database-generated 
resources, including their content and URI locations, remain the same,
does the member / user authentication process.  No outward links or 
dependencies should be degraded.

     Functionality improvements include some option-setting regarding
mandatory sharing of uploaded documents to the public (in support of our

rules), and a variety of small features including the following:

   --  There's now an RSS feed available for each TC or the "my Groups"
   --  The Roster is now available as a tabbed heading on the TC's
   --  When adding a new event to the Calendar, a new field is available
add a note to the e-mail notification.
   -- On the TC's Documents page, you can now hide/display icons, 
descriptions and archives.

     This was the first in a series of steps to provide an optimally 
stable, long-term technical platform for more functionality to support
members in their standards development work.  Expect announcements about

additional feature plans in the coming months.  In the meantime, the
database features support the recordkeeping, work product and archiving 
needs of our technical committees.  OASIS provided some basic training
its TC chairs in early 2003 when the database system was first 
installed.  We are planning to provide to TC chairs some opportunities
updated training and rule Q&A, both asynchronously (web-based) and 
real-time (possibly at the Spring 2005 Symposium).   Those plans also
be announced to this list.

     While we've tried to ensure that everything functions properly, if
user encounters difficulties or special issues with the system please
us know.
     -- Technical difficulties --  support@oasis-open.org
     -- Member accounts / access -- member_services@oasis-open.org
     -- Rules or features -- tc-admin@oasis-open.org

Jamie Clark and Mary McRae

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