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Subject: Re: [security-services] SAML 2.0 Constrained Delegation Profile


Thanks for your note with links to recent XACML outputs.

As I understand it, the scope for the SSTC effort is modest - some means 
of expressing constrained delegation within a
SAML assertion. I should have a draft (vs e-mail) published by the 30th.

I dont believe there is any direct overlap with XACML efforts in the 
area of delegation policy. So the answer to
your question [A] below is: it isn't in scope for us. Of course, how 
XACML might choose to use SAML assertions to
convey policy or delegation-related matter is another matter. I would 
hope there would be some way to layer such
usage on top of the SAML delegation profile.

Why don't we plan on a follow-up discussion in mid-january? Is this a 
reasonable approach?

- prateek

>How does one know that a particular subject is allowed to delegate to
>another subject?
>The SSTC should be aware of work going on in the XACML TC with respect
>to delegation.  The most recent draft specification is: XACML v3.0
>administration policy Working Draft 10, 5 December 2005:
>This allows XACML policies to be used to control delegation chains.
>Such chains could be used to control which identity tokens can be used,
>and for which audiences, as well as many other types of restrictions.
>We have discussed using SAML to carry these delegation policies, as well
>as carrying Attributes connected with delegation.
>Would a joint meeting be useful in discerning whether there are actually
>two different categories of use cases here?
>Anne Anderson
>Prateek Mishra wrote On 12/05/05 22:30,:
>>SAML 2.0 Constrained Delegation Profile
>>The contents of this note are modeled
>>after [cantor-delegation]. Use-cases
>>and motivation for this profile may be
>>found in [morgan-use-case].
>>0. Profile Identification
>>URI:  urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:delegation
>>1. <saml:Assertion> Usage
>>For the purpose of supporting delegation, the 
>><saml:SubjectConfirmation> element is used to
>>identify the delegate and the key to be used 
>>by it to confirm its identity, and the
>><saml:AudienceRestriction> element is used to 
>>signal the use of this profile and to identify the
>>relying parties with whom the delegate can use the 
>>assertion to authenticate and authorize its activites on
>>behalf of the principal. 
>>Other assertion contents MUST be interpreted as defined by the SAML 2.0
>>Assertions and Protocols specification [SAML2Core] 
>>and any applicable profiles of use.
>>1.1 <saml:SubjectConfirmation>
>>Delegation permission in an assertion is expressed by including a 
>>element with a Method attribute equal to
>>in the assertion's <saml:Subject> element.
>>Each delegate is identified with a distinct
>><saml:SubjectConfirmation> element that MUST contain:
>>+ a <saml:BaseID>, <saml:NameID>, or <saml:EncryptedID> 
>>element that names the delegate
>>+ a <saml:SubjectConfirmationData> element (with an xsi:type of
>>saml:KeyInfoConfirmationDataType) containing at least 
>>one <ds:KeyInfo> element specifying a key belonging to the delegate
>>Muliple keys MAY be included in multiple <ds:KeyInfo> elements, 
>>but each <ds:KeyInfo> element MUST identify a single key.
>>A <saml:SubjectConfirmationData> element MAY include a standard 
>>set of XML attributes that restrict the confirmation 
>>process beyond requiring proof of key possession, such as Address,
>>Recipient, NotBefore, and NotOnOrAfter [SAML2Core]. 
>>These attributes can be used to “finetune”
>>the capability of the corresponding delegate to use the assertion.
>>1.2 <saml:AudienceRestriction>
>>At least one <saml:AudienceRestriction> element containing a <saml:Audience> element with
>>the value of 
>>MUST be included in an assertion created in accordance with this profile. 
>>The use of the elements
>>discussed in this profile in an assertion 
>>that does not contain this <saml:Audience> value are
>>Additional <saml:AudienceRestriction> elements MAY be included to 
>>constrain the delegation
>>“scope” of an assertion by identifying a set of 
>>one or more relying parties who can accept the assertion.
>>An SP (or IdP) can be designated by including its unique 
>>identifier in an included <saml:Audience>
>>element. Alternatively, an affiliated set of 
>>service providers can be designated as a unit by including the
>>affiliation's identifier.
>>2. Processing Model at Relying Party
>>Relying parties must follow the processing model described in 
>>[SAML2Core] and any relevant profiles (e.g., [WSS-STP]).
>>In addition, when 
>>when processing an assertion with <saml:AudienceRestrictionElement>
>>set to: 
>>relying parties MUST:
>>(a) Ensure that the <saml:SubjectConfirmation> element associated with the
>>delegate key MUST include one of the following as a sub-element:
>><saml:BaseID>, <saml:NameID>, or <saml:EncryptedID>
>>(b) ensure that the values associated with the attesting entities 
>><saml:BaseID>, <saml:NameID>, or <saml:EncryptedID> element correspond
>>to system entities acceptable as delegators by the relying party. 
>>The means by which such a relationship is defined is outside the scope
>>of this specification.
>>(c) ensure that validity constraints implied by elements such as Address,
>>Recipient, NotBefore, and NotOnOrAfter are met.
>>SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On with Constrained Delegation,
>>01, October 2005
>>Delegation/intermediaries use case model,
>>00, November 2003 
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