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security-services message

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Subject: Re: [security-services] Groups - sstc-saml-holder-of-key-browser-sso-draft-08.pdf (sstc-saml-holder-of-key-browser-sso-draft-09.pdf) uploaded

Also note that the some of the requirements in 2.5.3 might be  
merged.  For example, rather than the split text on 425-427 and  
431-435, we might just require that every assertion returned in the  
response be holder-of-key.  I've left it for us to discuss further.

On 12 Nov 2008, at 01:17, ndk@internet2.edu wrote:

> Removed nonsensical "uniquely identifying NameID" alternative to a  
> session
> index for logout.  Redirected the change log from Kavi to the Wiki.
> Removed association between signing an <AuthnRequest> and its  
> contents.
> Clarified the meaning, processing, error handling, and use of
> <saml:Subject> and <saml:SubjectConfirmation> in <AuthnRequest>,  
> borrowing
> heavily from Tom's suggested text and splitting it across sections.
> Elevated Tom and Scott to contributors in recognition of their help.
>  -- Mr. Nathan Klingenstein

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