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Subject: Indications of Candidacy for TC Chair(s)

To all prospective members of the OASIS Semantic Support for Electronic Business
Document Interoperability (SET) TC:
The first order of business at the inaugural TC meeting will be to elect a chair
(or two co-chairs). All individuals interested in serving as a Chair, or in
nominating another individual for the position of Chair, are welcome to make
that candidacy known, prior to the meeting, by posting a note to the TC's e-mail
list expressing their interest and/or intent along with a brief statement of
their qualifications. However, this is not required, and the committee will be
open to nominations from any qualified persons at its first meeting as well.
Mary P McRae
Manager of TC Administration, OASIS
email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org  
web: www.oasis-open.org

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