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Subject: Re: [set] Ontology based semantics and graphical notation as directedgraphs

Dear Johann,

My vote is for hearing your presentation.

Many thanks,


Johann Hoechtl wrote:
> Dear SET Members,
> after the last enlightening speech of Scott Hinkelmann I mentioned a
> tool called graphviz to visualize ontology based semantic
> representations.
> First graphviz
> http://www.graphviz.org/ 
> is a tool which takes a specific grammar (the dot-language) as input
> and produces directed graphs as output using 'intelligent' layout
> algorithms as to minimize intersecting graph lines. The tool in itself
> is not related to sematics or knowledge representatian but completely
> domain agnostic. Directed _Acyclic_ Graphs are a specialisation of
> Directed Graphs, so this tool is perfectly appropriate.
> Additional tools exists which perform a transformation from semanic
> representations to this tool-specific grammar, the most domain-specific
> probably are
> [1] IsaViz , Assuman already mentioned.
> http://www.w3.org/2001/11/IsaViz/ 
> Unfortunately I am not aware of any tool which uses XSLT to perform
> this translation, instead W3C proposed an alternative display
> translation vocabulary,
> Fresnel
> http://www.w3.org/2005/04/fresnel-info/ 
> This may be worth a look to take as free Java API's exist, maybe for
> CAM?
> Another tool I am aware of is Protégé which has an OWLViz-Plugin which
> looks very capable and employs also grpahviz as the layout engine:
> [2] http://protege.stanford.edu/ the umbrella
> http://protege.stanford.edu/overview/protege-owl.html the owl
> visualizer
> Screenshot
> http://protege.stanford.edu/plugins/owl/images/OWLViz-BackpackersDestination.png
> As for the proposed presentation for the next meeting I could collect
> information how these tools operate (which input format they support,
> how the translation process works and if they support interactive,
> visual modelling of the semantics, etc.)
> Regards,
> Johann Höchtl

Professor Asuman Dogac             email: asuman@srdc.metu.edu.tr
WWW: http://www.srdc.metu.edu.tr/~asuman/
Director                           Phone: +90 (312) 210 5598, or
Software R&D Center                       +90 (312) 210 2076
Department of Computer Eng.        Fax: +90 (312) 210 5572                      Middle East Technical University        +90 (312) 210 1259
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