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Subject: Re: [smartgrid-interest] Draft of schedule and interval component forsmart grid communications

Please find some recorded changes in the attached document (all between
[ and ]. Thanks.

On 11/01/2009 06:50 AM, Toby Considine wrote:
> WS-Calendar is a proposed specification that is anticipated to meet 
> needs in smart grid, enterprise interactions for buildings, emergency 
> response communications, real estate operations, and many other areas 
> where coordination of response between domains is important. WS Calendar 
> is part of the US national smart grid standards roadmap as defined by NIST.
> The attached draft is almost ready for submission to the OASIS process 
> as a proposed charter for the WS-Calendar Technical Committee. OASIS 
> Charters constitute binding agreements and work plans. The attached 
> document is a draft that is approaching readiness to serve as the 
> official call for participation, but would still benefit from additional 
> comments. Please get any suggestions for improvement to me this week.
> I thank the many people who have provided comments and input to get the 
> document to its current state.
> If you are represent an OASIS organizational member who would like to be 
> listed as a sponsor of the TC formation, please let me know. If you 
> would like to know how to become an organizational member to be listed, 
> please contact me (Toby.Considine@unc.edu 
> <mailto:Toby.Considine@unc.edu>) or William Cox 
> (wtcox@coxsoftwarearchitects.com 
> <mailto:wtcox@coxsoftwarearchitects.com>) for assistance.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Energy and persistence conquer all things." -- Benjamin Franklin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Toby Considine
> TC9, Inc
> Chair, OASIS oBIX Technical Committee
> OASIS Technical Advisory Board
> Email: Toby.Considine@gmail.com <mailto:Toby.Considine@fac.unc.edu>
> Phone: (919)619-2104
> http://www.oasis-open.org
> blog: www.NewDaedalus.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Eduardo Gutentag        |    e-mail: eduardo.gutentag@Sun.COM
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Corporate Standards     |    Sun Microsystems Inc.
              W3C AC Rep / W3C AB / OASIS BoD


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