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Subject: RE: [soa-blueprints] RE: Running Document Management....

I have created a Working Documents folder where anyone can put working documents...

From: marchadr@wellsfargo.com [mailto:marchadr@wellsfargo.com]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 12:13 PM
To: jharby@gmail.com
Cc: steve.g.jones@capgemini.com; Miko Matsumura; soa-blueprints@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [soa-blueprints] RE: Running Document Management....

See comments.
Miko, can we set up a working document folder for people to contribute documents?
I'll attach it to the group for now in order to establish context to the thread.
- Dan
-----Original Message-----
From: John Harby [mailto:jharby@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 11:57 AM
To: Marchant, Dan R.
Cc: steve.g.jones@capgemini.com; mmatsumura@infravio.com; soa-blueprints@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: Running Document Management....

I wouldn't merely dismiss Generico as "application" and not enterprise although I agree that it doesn't address. The intent was to produce a litmus test for vendors developing SOA platforms that was independent even to the point of including Microsoft.
[Marchant, Dan R.] I didn't mean to overly simplify the approach, however once you get beyond one group's use of a service the SOA engima starts to unfold pretty rapidly. That was the intent of my simplifying the view of generico to an application.
I think the concepts document offers some general best practices and patterns and in my opinion we could consolidate these examples at a higher level while keeping the rest separate.[Marchant, Dan R.]  I have including them is the latest version of the doc that I'd like to eventually put in a working folder of some sort. They are under the service types. A lot of the information in the concepts document is used within the draft, hopefully we can talk a little about this on next Monday's meeting? 
On 12/12/05, marchadr@wellsfargo.com <marchadr@wellsfargo.com > wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: John Harby [mailto:jharby@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 9:44 AM
To: Marchant, Dan R.
Cc: steve.g.jones@capgemini.com ; mmatsumura@infravio.com
Subject: Re: Running Document Management....

I didn't realize coalogic was going to realize all blueprints. How does Generico fit in?
[Marchant, Dan R.] It will hopefully realize most of them or give an idea of how to realize most. Generico is only one case and looks like it is focused mostly on an application standpoint versus an enterprise view. An enterprise view gives more context to concepts like the service model, governance and infrastructure. This is my opinion anyway. 

On 12/12/05, marchadr@wellsfargo.com <marchadr@wellsfargo.com> wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: John Harby [mailto: jharby@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 8:04 AM
To: Marchant, Dan R.
Cc: steve.g.jones@capgemini.com; mmatsumura@infravio.com

Subject: Re: Running Document Management....

Is this document going to apply to any and all blueprints that this committee is producing or is it for the purpose of the coalogic?
[Marchant, Dan R.] Hopefully, I was mostly trying to get all the documents contributed into a document that a coalogic case study can realize.
2 documents:
  - SOA Blueprints with associated information
  - Case Study - SoaLogic realizing the blueprints
  If so, I don't know about the "Blueprint Types" section and also I'd copy the whole list.
[Marchant, Dan R.] I was hoping to get it a bit more solidified before sending it out to the whole list. I can always put it up on the working documents section in kavi? Thoughts?
- Dan 

On 12/12/05, marchadr@wellsfargo.com < marchadr@wellsfargo.com> wrote:
Presentation Draft with no template yet. Trying to see if I can get an oasis template to throw it into.


- Dan

>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Marchant, Dan R.
> Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 7:27 AM
> To:   'Jones, Steve G'; 'Miko Matsumura'
> Cc:   'John Harby'
> Subject:      RE: Running Document Management....
> Here is another update.
> Let me know if there is anyone else on the list you want.
> Changes include:
> - Updated infrastructure sections and am starting to define concepts within infrastructure types
> - Added a diagram for coordination infrastructure
> - started to organize definitions and concepts
>  << File: soa-bp_draft_0.1.4.doc >>
>        -----Original Message-----
>       From:   Marchant, Dan R.
>       Sent:   Wednesday, December 07, 2005 8:52 AM
>       To:     'Jones, Steve G'; 'Miko Matsumura'
>       Subject:        Running Document Management....
>       Here is the latest cut with both of your comments and edits.
>       (Steve, I am sorry to say Miko is removing the old english.... no more colours... )
>       I restructure somewhat and added more diagrams.
>       It is slowly getting into some sort of shape.
>       I'll try and work on it more today but figured I would start a bit of the conversations around what should be in or out.
>        << File: soa-bp_draft_0.1.3.doc >>
>       - Dan

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