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soa-blueprints message

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Subject: Monday

Important need a line for the meeting.

Proposal for Agenda:

1 - Introductions - 5-10 mins  (Miko)
2 - Discuss Deliverables - 30 mins
   - Generico Blueprints 
   - Overall Blueprints (Dan M.)
   - SOA Logic Case Study Realization (Dan M.)
   - SOA Methodology (Steve Jones ???)
3 - Determine approach - 10 mins (May merge into 2)
   - Subgroups for deliverables?
   - Seperate mailing lists? or continue with the one?
4 - Wrap up - 5 mins

Also if anyone has a conference line that supports international calls please send it out to the group.
Miko's conference line has issues.
Wells' conference line doesn't support international calls as friendly as we would have hoped.



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