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soa-blueprints message

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Subject: RE: [soa-blueprints] Joined the tc for...

Reading Theo's motivation, a side issue comes to mind that I want to 
raise but not necessarily intend we resolve at this moment.

Theo notes the need for "detailed and practical examples".  What 
level of validation or other pedigree MUST (or at least SHOULD) we 
provide with any examples to convince our audience that this is more 
than Powerpoint engineering?  Many SDOs require several independent 
implementations of their specs or parts thereof to get their 
respective standards label.  Do we need to do that or something 
analogous to it?


P.S. For why I joined, I am interested to see what a blueprint is, 
what tangible purpose it serves, and to make sure any deliverable of 
the TC reflects (or at least considers) the real needs I see for my 

At 08:41 PM 1/25/2006, Beack, Theo wrote:
>I joined because I saw an urgent need within the user community for
>guidance on how to implement SOA. Organizations are trying to come to
>grips with SOA and many architects (and developers) are looking for
>detailed and practical examples on how to architect their SOA
>architectures as well as how to solve specific business and technical
>problems using SOA principles. Most developers "code by example". I saw
>the adoption blueprints as a way for architects to "architect by
>I joined in the hope that this TC would help the user community by
>providing well thought through and clearly documented blueprints, which
>they could use as a reference on which they can base their SOA
>I also joined to contribute to these adoption blueprints by sharing my
>knowledge and experience.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: marchadr@wellsfargo.com [mailto:marchadr@wellsfargo.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 09:57
>To: soa-blueprints@lists.oasis-open.org
>Subject: [soa-blueprints] Joined the tc for...
>Each of use joined the TC for some reason what was it exactly?
>What did each of you expect to get or contribute from it?
>This is the real question it seems.
>- dan

   /   Ken 
Laskey                                                                \
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