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Subject: RE: [soa-rm-comment] Possible additional to the reference model
Morten, Thank you for your comments. For the reference model, we tried to keep it to the minimal set of concept and relationships, with an emphasis on minimal. However, the follow-on work, the SOA Reference Architecture Foundation, has an entire architectural view on what we call the SOA ecosystem. In this, the consumer is very prominent but even extended beyond your points to include the concepts of actors, participants, and stakeholders. Two public reviews have previously been made available and, in April, we are hoping to approve a third review with a revised ecosystem view. Please keep an eye open for this and we'll look forward to your further comments. Ken --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Kenneth Laskey MITRE Corporation, M/S H305 phone: 703-983-7934 7515 Colshire Drive fax: 703-983-1379 McLean VA 22102-7508 -----Original Message----- From: Morten Wegelbye Nissen [mailto:wegelbye@cs.au.dk] Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 6:19 PM To: soa-rm-comment@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [soa-rm-comment] Possible additional to the reference model Hello, Thanks for the writeup. I think there is two things that is not covered by the reference model, that I think is within the scope of the Architecture of SOA. Consumers: Mentioned in many places. But not placed in any of the concept-ellipses. Why I think it is important for SOA - You need to take into account who is the target. And you might loose control of usage of your system. ( might be categorized under the policy ) - One of my recommendations is always to have some kind of authentication, even if your service is completely free. Further: Services tend to grow, great services grows even faster. And yes x in XML is for extendability :) But you need to think this into our architecture. At some point you might need to break backwards compatibility with older version... That was my two cents, ./Morten -- This publicly archived list offers a means to provide input to the OASIS SOA Reference Model TC. In order to verify user consent to the Feedback License terms and to minimize spam in the list archive, subscription is required before posting. Subscribe: soa-rm-comment-subscribe@lists.oasis-open.org Unsubscribe: soa-rm-comment-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org List help: soa-rm-comment-help@lists.oasis-open.org List archive: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/soa-rm-comment/ Feedback License: http://www.oasis-open.org/who/ipr/feedback_license.pdf List Guidelines: http://www.oasis-open.org/maillists/guidelines.php Committee: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=soa-rm
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