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soa-rm-comment message

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Subject: need submitter feedback [was: [soa-rm-comment] Comments regarding OASIS SOA Reference Architecture Foundations]


This is a reminder that I sent you the attached spreadsheet containing the
cognizant editor's response to your comments.  Please use column I to
indicate your acceptance of the response or your further comments.  If you
cannot respond within the next few days, please send a short email providing
the timeframe for your response so we can plan for activities to resolve any
items requiring additional discussion.

Thank you again for taking the time to review the SOA-RAF.

Ken Laskey, chair

Dr. Kenneth Laskey
MITRE Corporation, M/S H305              phone: 703-983-7934
7515 Colshire Drive                                    fax:
McLean VA 22102-7508

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Laskey [mailto:klaskey@mitre.org] 
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 10:31 PM
To: 'soa-rm-comment@lists.oasis-open.org'; 'Jones, Allen S'
Cc: 'Breininger, Kathryn R'
Subject: RE: [soa-rm-comment] Comments regarding OASIS SOA Reference
Architecture Foundations

Allen (and Kathryn),

Thank you for your comments.  These have undergone a first review by the
responsible editor and the first response is included in the Editor's
Response column.

Please review the entries in the attached from the consolidated spreadsheet
and indicate for the Commenter Rebuttal column whether you agree with the
Editor's Response.  If there is still disagreement, you can enter a brief
note on the points under debate and I will forward to the editor as a first
step to a discussion with the Editor and trying to resolve.  If there is an
impasse,  the issue will be discussed by the full SC.  If this is needed, I
ask that the Editor provide a summary for discussion under Editor's Summary
of Issue for SC Discussion.  If such a discussion is happening, I will let
you know and give you a chance to express your view.  For the sake of
expediency and limited cycles on the part of all, I ***STRONGLY*** encourage
(both to the submitter and the editor) minimizing the issues that require
full SC discussion.

Ken Laskey, chair

Dr. Kenneth Laskey
MITRE Corporation, M/S H305              phone: 703-983-7934
7515 Colshire Drive                                    fax:
McLean VA 22102-7508

-----Original Message-----
From: Breininger, Kathryn R [mailto:kathryn.r.breininger@boeing.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 3:36 PM
To: soa-rm-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: Jones, Allen S
Subject: [soa-rm-comment] Comments regarding OASIS SOA Reference
Architecture Foundations
Importance: High

I am forwarding the attached comments from Allen Jones, The Boeing Company:


Kathryn Breininger
Manager, Standards Authoring, Release, & Technical Orders
Product Standards Office
Boeing Research & Technology
The Boeing Company

MC 62-LC
425-965-0242 desk
425-512-4281 cell
425-237-4582 fax

How are we doing?  Please click on the attached link to take the Product
Standards Office Customer Satisfaction Survey.
PSO Customer

Attachment: Jones SOA-RAF comments.xlsx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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