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soa-rm-editors message

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Subject: RE: [soa-rm-editors] Proposed Dispositions

Hi Don,

A pick list could be added to the spreadsheet in order to facilitate value selection for the Proposed Disposition cells .

Barring that, could you resend to the editors, the disposition choices for the Proposed Disposition?

For my part, for all comments related to 2.4.*, I accept them and will resubmit text.



 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Don Flinn [mailto:flinn@alum.mit.edu] 
Sent:	May 29, 2005 2:58 PM
To:	soa-rm-editors
Subject:	[soa-rm-editors] Proposed Dispositions

Hi Fellow Editors

We have gathered a large number of issues from our gregarious TC.  Matt
has asked me to start collecting your Proposed Depositions.  If any of
you have prepared a Proposed Deposition, please send it to me and I will
insert it into the issues list for acceptance by the TC.  Please include
the issue number(s) that your resolution addresses.  Inevitably some of
your resolutions will cover multiple issues.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.  The more we can get in before
the upcoming telecom, the better.


Don Flinn
President, Flint Security LLC
Tel: 781-856-7230
Fax: 781-631-7693
e-mail: flinn@alum.mit.edu

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