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soa-rm-editors message

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Subject: Structure of v8

As far as I can see it, based on the outline in Vancouver and the
submissions so far, the structure of the new version should be something
like this:

1	Introduction
1.1	Why a reference model?
1.2	Audience
1.3	How to use the reference model
1.4	Notational Conventions

2	The Ref Model
2.1	Intro and axioms, Overview
2.2	Service
2.3	Service Description
2.4	Interaction with services
2.5	Policies and expectations
2.6	Discoverability

3	Reference
3.1	Boilerplate Appendices
3.2	Glossary
3.3	Conformance
3.4	References
3.5	Buzzwords

Does that look right?

All the best and good night from me....


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