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Subject: Final agenda for F2F

(same as the one on TAG TC page event schedule - with suggestions from last conf call)
- missing:  a short recap early afternoon of most prominent decisions in morning, for those dialing-in.
Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG) TC F2F meeting, Dec 6-7
General objective: determine the content and structure of a complete draft
of the test assertions guideline document.
Day 1: Thursday 6th, AM:
1. Kick-off (15mn):
- Review of the agenda and proposed updates.
- F2F logistics.
2. Terminology / glossary section: review of material on wiki (1h)
- review and refine definition of main glossary entries.
- "informal" definitions of related notions: spec requirement, test metadata, conf clause.
3. Administration (30mn)
- review of current alternate meeting solution, update on OASIS process in this area.
- new "informational document" status for non-specifications in OASIS, and their delivery track.
- review wiki cooperation.
- other.
4. Review of prior art (1h15)
Review of external work (OASIS, W3C, WS-I...) done on modeling/representing TAs for
particular specifications. What was the value these groups saw in TAs?
A series of short presentations (10mn max) and discussion.
Day 1: Thursday 6th, PM:
5. First Editorial pass on the structure options for the guideline doc: (1h)
- Sync-up on the general editorial objectives we have for the Guideline, (e.g. size of doc,
editorial style & audience) as well as general position (are there cases
where TA step unnecessary and guideline unnecessary? etc.)
- do a high-level (not in-depth) review of the components we have, how they fit-in.
(no in-depth review of their content.)
Questions like: how much space for each part, how much space for examples, quick assessment
on how much work remains for each part.
- editorial format of "best practices".
6. Review of the "Intro / rationale" section. (1h)
7. Review of the TA Anatomy section. (1h)
8. Treatment of referred - or secondary - specs, pre-requisites and others. (45mn)
Day 2: Friday 7th, AM:
9. Second iteration on the "Intro / rationale" section, and follow-up on glossary. (1h)
10. Second iteration on the TA Anatomy section. Focus on examples (1h)
11. Best practices section or equivalent. (1h)
Day 2: Friday 7th, PM:
12. Resume on the most critical or unfinished morning item(s). (30mn)
13. Review of examples material, cross-section. (1h)
14. external related material and level of exposure in guideline (1h)
- Schematron
15. Discussion on how to approach the XML mark-up next step. (30mn)
16. Wrap-up and action items review (15mn)

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