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Subject: URGENT: TaMIE conf calls: proposed change in meeting call due to daylight saving time...

Here is the catch:
Korea does not change hours at summer time, unlike US and EU.
So the regular call (3pm PT, Thu) gets too early for them (7am their time) which Cho cannot do anymore.
Would that be a problem if we move the call from 3pm to 4pm PT (meaning 7pm East coast...) during the summer time period?
I know that Arizona does not change the hour either... so that would still be same time for them as before if we do this shift (Not a problem for Dale, unless he had to shift other calls to adjust to the rest of US?)
Stephen in UK: that would be a little late for you but only until UK switches to the daylight saving time too (end of month?)
Any problem with this proposal?

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