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Subject: 30-Day CSD Public Review Request for XTemp: XML Testing andEvent-driven Monitoring of Processes Version 1.0

The following request has been submitted to the OASIS TC Administrator on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 - 23:07 UTC

Submitter's Name: Jacques Durand 
TC Name: Testing and Monitoring Internet Exchanges (TaMIE) TC 
TC Email Address: tamie@lists.oasis-open.org 
Work Product Title: XTemp: XML Testing and Event-driven Monitoring of Processes Version 1.0 
Committee Specification Draft ##: CSD02 
Additional Resources : http:// 
Approval Link: 
Abstract: XTemp is an XML mark-up language that is event-centric and intended 
for the analysis of sequence of events that represent traces of business 
processes. It is designed for both log analysis and real-time execution. It 
leverages XPath and XSLT. 
TC Description: The objective of the TC is to assist and standardize the 
monitoring and testing of message-based transactions or of business process 
behaviors, by analyzing XML-formatted traces of these processes. The goal is to 
allow better portability of test or monitoring scripts, and broader availability 
of related scripting skills. The XTemp specification has learned from past 
XML-based test scripting (from ebXML IIC, KorBIT testbed, NIST and WS-I) and 
applies an event-centric paradigm to analyze traces of business processes or 
message exchanges. The resulting specification is leveraging XML processing 
(XPath, XSLT) in order to handle advanced event correlation and computations 
(logic, metrics). Details about XML leverage are explained in a paper: 

Notification List: 

Related to CSD ticket: #566 

Thank you for your request.

We will review your request and schedule the preparation, publication and Public Review of your Work Product shortly.

You can follow the entire TC Administration queue at: http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN
or track activity on this request at: http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN-672

The Standards Development team.


Paul Knight  - Tel: +1 781-861-1013
OASIS - Advancing open standards for the information society
Document Process Analyst

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