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Subject: Groups - TC Telecon modified

TC Telecon has been modified by Harm-Jan van Burg (harmjan@vanburg.net).

Date:  Thursday, 24 June 2004
Time:  04:00pm - 06:00pm Eastern Time

Event Description:
TC Montly Telecon - Dial in:  (202)927-2255  Access Code = 722610#

roll call
minutes of the face to face meeting
Position paper version 2.0 defining action items
Liason with UBL
Timeline indirect tax
Action items for COR project
task and meeting scedule for subcommittee's
other items

Minutes and Actions

Meeting called to order at 1:10pm 

Participation - (13 on line)
Harmjan van Burg (Chair)
Andy Greener
Dave Chambers
Alex Fiteni (minute taker)
Leslie-Ann Scott
Sandy Foote
John Glaubitz
Michael Roytman
Doug Peterson (for Susan Smoter)
Christine Beasley
Sylvia Webb

Minutes of the face to face meeting - Harmjan van Burg
Harmjan reviewed the minutes of the face to face meetings in June.
They were accepted with the following changes:
	- Change 7th bullet dropped reference to Adobe being taken up  by NL Tax Administration ?
	- Reference to housing benefits should be dropped ?
 	- The notes from the Indirect Tax meeting will be provided by Andy Greener 

Position paper version 2.0 defining action items - Harmjan van Burg
- Verson 1.0 status - Charles Myers remarks incorporated into paper.  The White Paper was sent to OECD, who acknowledged receipt of the White paper, and accepted that they need to change the name of the 'Standard Audit File'.  'Tax Compliance Data File' was recommended by Harmjan.  OECD will be announcing the issuance of the Tax XML White Paper V1.0 and will get back to us on a date when their review will be completed.
- Version 2.0 should now be planned, and we need suggestions on what it should contain sent to the tax-xml list. 

Liason with UBL - HArmjan van Burg
During the Toronto conference, we had a presentation from UBL, and we needed some follow up, which was difficult, since UBL was still struggling to complete version 1.0. A couple of weeks ago, Harm met with John Bosak, and agreed there was some room for common ground and we should provide comments on the 1.0 version when it is made available. John Bosak suggested that such comments would be very highly appreciated.  Michael Roytman is an observer, and Andy Greener could become an observer to UBL.  Sylvia Webb is a member.  

- Harmjan requested both Andy and Michael will work on UBL Liaison and figure out with Sylvia how to divide up the work.  Harmjan asked for some ideas on how to go about provide comments on the UBL V1.0 off-line.
- NOTE: Andy had a recent discussion with John Bosak on how to use UBL standard to develop a Direct Tax payload based thereon.

Timeline indirect tax - John Glaubitz
- John G summarized recent activity in performing some basic analysis on Indirect Tax, and develop some deliverables that can be used to compare with other XML standards and schemas so we would be able to feed into the OASIS standards review processes.
- Timeline - issued this morning - shows how the committee will proceed to work on some specific tasks that will develop some basic models for this domain area. Andy agreed that the DC meetings had requested an action plan to make this happen and provide some deliverables by next face to face, and that this tasks/timeline does satisfy this request.

- It was agreed that the meetings will be organized so as to use the current structure and leverage the Kavi system. 
- The Indirect Tax project will be handled through the Technical SC - Harmjan
- We could do with some representation from the US domain at the State level - John, Michael will look into this, possibly through TIGRs committee or through the Streamlined Sales tax project 

Follow up on COR (Certificate of Registration) project - John Glaubitz
- The CoR project will be handled by the Business SC - Harmjan
- Actions from the DC face to face meeting called for:
	- More Tax Administrations should work on this project
		- John asked for some representation from the Tax Administrations, since it is important that the project have some visibility to this group
	- John also re-iterated that a key part of this project is the taxpayer identification, and asked for some contributions from the Tax Administrations
		- Leslie offered to work on the Canadian taxpayer identification information
		- Harmjan also offered to provide similar information for the Netherlands
		- John will post an outline and element list and seek feedback from Tax XML members
	- As a pilot, two countries should determine these exactly what is required to make the process work for the participating (e.g. Canada and US, or US and Netherlands) - Harmjan suggested also between Canada and Netherlands. It was agreed that NL, US and CA will participate in the pilot. 
	- Tax Vocabulary - slow getting it loaded into the repository. 
	- Review CIQ in context of the CoR - Michael, Alex
- John will arrange for bi-weekly meetings at around 5pm or so European time

Task and meeting schedule for sub-committees - Harmjan Van Burg
- Harmjan will shortly post the remaining SC meetings at the normal time.

Other items
- Michael to post the dates for the next Face to Face in Kavi
- John will help, with preparing the Face to Face agenda
- Next OAGIs face to face meeting in August, and Sylvia Webb will send details when they are available
- Doug Peterson to ask Susan Smoter if she will be able to chair the next meeting, otherwise either John or Andy can chair. 

Next meetings scheduled as follows:
Thursday, 29 July 2004, 04:00pm to 06:00pm Eastern Time - Susan Smoter (TBD)
Thursday, 26 August 2004, 04:00pm to 06:00pm Eastern Time - Harmjan van Burg
Thursday, 30 September 2004, 04:00pm to 06:00pm Eastern Time - Harmjan van Burg
Thursday, 28 October 2004, 04:00pm to 06:00pm Eastern Time - Harmjan van Burg

Meeting closed at 5:25pm Eastern

Alex Fiteni

This event is one in a list of recurring events.
Other event dates in this series:

Thursday, 29 July 2004, 04:00pm to 06:00pm Eastern Time
Thursday, 26 August 2004, 04:00pm to 06:00pm Eastern Time
Thursday, 30 September 2004, 04:00pm to 06:00pm Eastern Time
Thursday, 28 October 2004, 04:00pm to 06:00pm Eastern Time

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