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Subject: RE: [tax] FW: Forming the Tax XML Liaison Team


The UBL TC is schedule to meet F2F on November 1st.  It would be ideal if
the ad hoc work team could have a conference call before that meeting to
discuss the initial scope of our work. Please contact me if you are
interested in participating and cc your email to Harm.

Sylvia Webb

-----Original Message-----
From: Harm-Jan van Burg [mailto:harmjan@vanburg.net] 
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 11:55 AM
To: tax@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: jon.bosak@sun.com
Subject: [tax] FW: Forming the Tax XML Liaison Team

The following mail has been send to the members of the OASIS UBL TC. I herby
ask for members of our TC to work in this ad hoc work team. I would
particularly value the participation of XBRL (GL) expertise in this group en
members involved in the Indirect taxation efforts.
I agree with Jon Bosak that the work of this team can take place off the
lists. To be sure that other interested persons in our TC can participate in
the discussions. I ask the members of the ad hoc group to cc relevant
documents to our list.

Harm Jan van Burg

Hello UBL TC,

In today's Atlantic UBL TC call, we decided to propose the formation of an
ad hoc team to work with representatives of the OASIS Tax XML TC on defining
Tax XML requirements for UBL 1.1.
Sylvia Webb (our liaison with Tax XML) and Mark Crawford (UBL TC vice chair)
volunteered to participate from the UBL side, and I am proposing that Sylvia
be designated the team lead.  Other interested UBL TC members should contact
Sylvia if they want to be added to the team.  It is expected that the Tax
XML TC will appoint 2-3 members from their side to meet with our team.  As
usual with our ad hoc teams, scheduling of phone calls is at the discretion
of the members, and email discussion can take place off the TC lists.
However, as with all ad hoc teams, a report to the TC will be included on
the standing agenda of our weekly TC calls.

The most immediate deliverable for this team is a clear description of what
needs to be or should be done to accommodate XBRL data in UBL.  Issues to be
resolved include, but are not limited to, (a) a clear description of the
technical problem and
(b) a proposed solution that does not raise IP issues with regard to the
inclusion within an OASIS specification of standards owned by another

If you have no objection to the formation of this team, do nothing.  If you
do have an objection, please express it via mail to this list no later than
COB Wednesday 13 October 2004.

Jon Bosak

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