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Subject: [Tax XML/XBRL Liaison] Invitation to XBRL US event, July 18-20, 2005

On behalf of XBRL US, I encourage those with an interest in XBRL to attend 
the next XBRL US meeting, being held in Washington, DC, July 18-20, 2005., 
with a special public day on July 19 on XBRL in Government and Industry.

Please see attachment for more details.

<eccn />

----- Forwarded by Eric E Cohen/US/ABAS/PwC on 05/25/2005 09:49 AM -----

"Best, Karl" <kbest@aicpa.org> 
05/24/2005 08:52 AM

Eric E Cohen/US/ABAS/PwC@Americas-US
"Best, Karl" <kbest@aicpa.org>


Would you be so kind as to forward this attachment to the OASIS Tax XML TC 
list, with a personal invitation to attend? 

Karl F. Best    Executive Director, XBRL-US
kbest@xbrl-us.org           xbrlus@xbrl.org 
office: 201-938-3920     cell: 607-229-0781
fax:    607-697-0420        www.xbrl.org/us

XBRL WashDC flyer.pdf

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